
    Teaching Design of the Junior Middle School Listening and Speaking Class Based on TPR Theory Abstract Listening and speaking are the two most important skills in language teaching. Therefore, listening and speaking class in English teaching is of great significance.46661

    TPR (Total Physical Response) is to teach language knowledge through body actions, pictures and objects. By this way, students’ listening ability can be improved, then the speaking ability in a natural way. 

    The teaching design is the blueprint for teaching which is based on the teaching aim, content and the needs of the students, so that teachers should prepare well before teaching. Under the guidance of teaching design, teaching can be well arranged and obtain the good teaching effect.

    In this thesis, the author studied previous research about the concept of the total physical response, main characteristics, advantages and principles. The author made a teaching design of junior middle school English listening and speaking class based on TPR theory, and also made a theoretical reflection of this design and gave some advice on how to use TPR theory properly in English teaching.

    Keywords: Total Physical Response; listening and speaking class; teaching design


    摘要 听和说是语言教学中最重要的两项技能。因此,听说课在英语教学中具有举足轻重的地位。






    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Significance 1

    1.2 Purpose 1

    1.3 Framework 1

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 The Definition of TPR Theory 3

    2.2 The Theoretical Foundation of TPR Theory 3

    2.3 The Characteristics of TPR Theory 4

    2.4 The Elements of the TPR Class 5

    2.5 The Relationship between the Characteristics between TPR Theory and Junior Middle School Students 6

    3. The Feasibility Analysis of English Listening and Speaking Teaching Design Based on TPR Theory 7

    3.1 Principle analysis of the teaching design 7

    3.2 Position Analysis of the Teaching Design 8

    3.2.1 Analysis of Class Type 8

    3.2.2 Analysis of Teaching Scope 8

    3.2.3 Analysis of Teaching Object 8

    3.2.4 Analysis of Teaching Content 8

    3.3 Analysis of Emphasis and Difficulty 9

    3.3.1 Analysis of Emphasis 9

    3.3.2 Analysis of Difficulty

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