
    Abstract A Streetcar Named Desire and The Glass Menagerie are Tennessee Williams’ classic dramas. The Glass Menagerie focuses on the mental suffering of those nobodies in Great Depression. A Streetcar Named Desire mainly describes the experience of a desperate “South belle” Blanche and how she ends up in mental house after struggle. Since its publication, the two dramas have aroused great concern in the critics. Many study the pathetic lives of the two heroines and try to present the sources of their tragedies from different perspectives including feminism, the patriarchal social system, and the southern culture and so on. Author of this present thesis believes that in addition to the external social and environmental factors, the anxiety resulted from the unbalanced personality and the useless defense mechanisms employed to deal with the anxiety is also one of the important reasons for their suffering and tragic lives. Therefore, this thesis is trying to use Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychological defense mechanism to analyze the mental state of the two protagonists so as to shed some new light on the root of their tragedy.47470

    Key Words:Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire, Freud, defense mechanism, tragic life




    Acknowledgments i

    Abstract ii

    摘要 iii

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Introduction of the Author and His Two Dramas 1

    1.2 A Brief Review of the Two Dramas 3

    2 Introduction of Freud’s Theory of Defense Mechanism 5

    2.1 The Origin of Defense Mechanisms 5

    2.2 The Types of Defense Mechanisms 6

    3 Analysis of Laura and Blanche’s Mental Situation 8

    3.1 An Analysis of Laura’s Mental Situation and Her Defense Mechanisms 8

    3.2 An Analysis of Blanche’s Mental Situation and Her Defense Mechanisms 10

    3.3 A Contrast Analysis Between Laura and Tom as well as Blanche and Stella 12

    4 Conclusion 14

    Bibliography 15

    1 Introduction

    Tennessee Williams (March26, 1911-Febuary25, 1983), one of the most outstanding realistic playwrights in the United States, is the only figure who can be compared to the “Father of American Drama” Eugene O’Neill. As an excellent dramatist, Williams also has a glorious long list of different awards: he got two Pulitzer Prizes, four New York Critics Circle Awards and Donaldson Award. Most of his awards are won by publishing The Glass Menagerie (1945) and A Streetcar Named Desire (1947). In his lifetime, Williams created a great many of vivid characters in different dramas, among which The Glass Menagerie (1945) and A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) are most celebrated. They also won Williams two New York Critics Circle Awards, a Pulitzer Prizes and a Donaldson Award. While bringing Williams the reputation as a successful playwright, the two works also draw extensive attention from the critics. Therefore, this paper is also to give a close read of the two dramas, and the two protagonists in particular from the perspective of Freudian psychological study so as to probe a new source of their tragic life.   1.1 Introduction of the Author and His Two Dramas

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