
    Tragic Effects of Conflicts in Far from the Madding Crowd Abstract Far from the Madding Crowd is Hardy’s forth published novel and the first work that proved to be a success. In this work, Hardy discusses characters living in the countryside and events taking place “far from the madding crowd”, that is, the industrialized or capitalized world. By such a setting, readers expect to see simplicity of the rural world. However, the opposite is the case. Though the story has a happy ending, the tragic atmosphere still outweighs the comic one. Complex relationships are described. The ups and downs of the plots present many tragic conflicts and produce strong tragic effects which are the main field to be explored in this thesis.47479

    Keywords: Thomas Hardy; Far from the Madding Crowd; tragic effect; alienation; conflicts




    1. Literature Review 1

    1.1 Definition of Tragedy and Its Forms 1

    1.2 Hardy’s Perspective about Modern Life 1

    1.3 Hardy’s Explorations of Tragedy Writting 2

    2. Major Conflicts in the Novel 3

    2.1 Environmental Conflicts in Wetherbury Land 3

    2.1.1 New Orders and Old Orders 3

    2.1.2 Environment and Modern Characters 3

    2.2 Personal Conflicts in Weatherbury Land 5

    2.2.1 A Modern Woman——Bathsheba Everdene’s Sense and Sensibility 5

    2.2.2 A Modern Prodigal——Sergeant Troy’s Love and Lust 6

    2.2.3 A Modern Schizophrenia——William Boldwood’s Oppression and Burst 6

    3 Tragic Effects Embodied in the Conclicts 8

    3.1. Emotional Shock——Fear and Pity 8

    3.2 Emotional Output——Vitality 8

    4. Conclusion 10

    References 11

    1. Literature Review

    Far from the Madding Crowd is the one of the masterpieces by Thomas Hardy. Far from the Madding Crowd has a transitional feature because it was written between two historical periods. And many characters in Hardy’s later works can find their prototypes in this work. 

    1.1 Definition of Tragedy and Its Forms

    The source of western tragedy theory can be traced back to the Classic Aristotle's Poetics. In that Classic, Aristotle put forward the definition of tragedy for the first time that tragedy is the imitation of a serious, complete action with a possessing power (Aristotle, 57); of which the media is language; the way is to express feelings by man’s actions rather than by narrative methods; the effect is to arouse pity and fear from the audience so as to strengthen those feelings. “According to Aristotle, ‘pity and fear’ are emotions represented and evoked in tragedy. ‘Pity’ refers to the emotion we feel toward someone who has suffered undeserved misfortune. And ‘fear’ refers to the emotion we feel when we realize that the one who suffers this misfortune is someone like ourselves.” (Liu Jing, 15) This is to say, the purpose of the tragic figures’ actions is to influence the audience’s emotion and reason. Generally speaking, the audience appreciating a tragedy is always in a certain emotional state, for example, happiness, or sadness, or calmness. When a tragedy begins, the emotion of the audience begins to fluctuate as the story unfolds. They feel as if they are experiencing those sufferings that the characters in the tragedy encounters. Hence they often feel deep compassion or sympathy or pity, and also scare or fear, once they assume that they themselves may also suffer the same in the real world. So, the effect of tragedy is to arouse the audience's feelings of pity and fear. 

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