
    Analysis of Humor in “Babies in the Jungle”Abstract O. Henry(1862-1910)is one of the greatest short story masters in the world and he is the founder of American modern short story. As a prolific writer, O. Henry has written more than three hundreds stories in his life, and his short stories are especially famous for vivid story design, unique tone and surprising ending.47492

    However, the researches about O. Henry’s humorous writing style from home and abroad are quite rare and they usually focus on very few of his works, and the researches on “Babies in the Jungle” still remain a virgin land. This paper aims to do a comprehensive analysis of humor of “Babies in the Jungle” on the basis of the previous researches. 

    This paper begins with an introduction of the research background, research states quo and paper structure. In the second chapter, there will be a brief introduction of definition of humor and an overview of humor in O. Henry’s other works, such as “The Cops and the Anthem” and “The Gift of Magi”, as a lead-in. And then the third chapter dedicates to the analysis of the humor in “Babies in the Jungle” from perspectives of title, story design, rhetorical skills, characterization and surprising ending.

    As for the conclusion, it makes an objective assessment on the meaning of humor in “Babies in the Jungle” as well as points out the significance of humor in O. Henry’s works, which has been proved to be worthwhile and rewarding in this paper.

    Key Words: O. Henry; “Babies in the Jungle”; humor


    摘 要欧·亨利(1862-1910)是20世纪初美国著名短篇小说家,美国现代短篇小说创始人。他是一位高产的作家,一生中留下了一部长篇小说和近三百篇的短篇小说。他的短篇小说构思精巧,语言幽默、结局出人意料而闻名于世。






    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of This Study 1

    1.2 Previous Studies on O. Henry’s Works 1

    1.2.1 Studies at Home 1

    1.2.2 Studies Abroad 3

    1.3 Significance of This Study 3

    1.4 Structure of the Paper 4

    2. Humor in O. Henry’s Works 5

    2.1 Definition and Classification of Humor 5

    2.2 Characteristics of Humor in O. Henry’s Works 6

    2.2.1 Humorous Tone 7

    2.2.2 Surprising Ending

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