




    With the development of times, more and more American TV series have came into Chinese audiences’ sight. As for the success of American TV series in Chinese market, the translation of their titles usually plays an important role in it. There are many differences between the naming of titles due to the differences between Chinese and Western cultures. In addition, statistics showed that a large portion of Chinese translated titles are in the form of four-character structure. Therefore, this thesis is a study of four-character structure in the translation of American TV series title translation, especially from a cultural perspective, including cultural features, differences and connotations, on the basis of a general analysis of American TV series title translation.

    This thesis consists of five parts: the first chapter is introduction that introduces research background, research methodology and the structure of this thesis. The second chapter is the literature review about four-character structure and American TV series title translation. The third chapter is the general analysis of American TV series title translation, especially from aspects of features and strategies. The fourth chapter discusses cultures reflected in four-character structure titles. In the end of this thesis, conclusions are drawn from the analysis and discussion.

    Keyword: American TV series title; four-character structure; culture; translation


    1.  Introduction 1

    1.1 Research Background 1

    1.2 Research Methodology 1

    1.3 Thesis Structure 1

    2.  Literature Review 1

    2.1 Definition and Advantages of Four-character Structure 1

    2.2 Present Domestic and Foreign Research of American TV Series Title Translation 2

    2.2.1 Present Domestic Research of American TV Series Title Translation 3

    2.2.2 Present Foreign Research of American TV Series Title Translation 4

    2.2.3 Four-character Structure in Title Translation 5

    2.3 Cultural Perspective in Translation 6

    3.  Cultures Reflected in Four-character Structure Titles 6

    3.1 Cultural Features 6

    3.2 Cultural Differences 7

    3.3 Cultural Connotation 7

    4.  General Analysis of American TV Series Title Translation 7

    4.1 Features of American TV Series Title Translation

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