



    毕业论文关键词:教育游戏; 英语教学; 电脑科技; 运用与实践; 发展与展望

    A Study of Educational Games and Their Applications in EFL Teaching

    Abstract  With the development of social information, new technology and media have attracted more people’s attention. Meanwhile, people gradually realized that education plays a quite important role in the future development. In this context, educational games ,as new factors of means of teaching ,became such significant roles of language teaching and learning, especially for English as a Foreign Language Teaching(EFL Teaching). Educational games are games explicitly designed with educational purposes, or which have incidental or secondary educational value, including online games, software games and those new educational medias. While the applications of educational games in English Teaching classrooms have become symbols of advanced teaching and learning. Nowadays, in EFL Teaching class, using educational games as auxiliary teaching means, teachers pay more attention to students’ learning interest and the self-motivation to learn. 

        This thesis’s main purpose is to study the definition and characteristics of educational games. Then the thesis is going to talk about the origin and development of educational games abroad and at home, and with the analysis of specific applications abroad and at home, the last part of the paper seeks to find out how to make educational games better applied in language learning, especially in EFL Teaching class. Meanwhile, advanced computer technology is an opportunity for the development of educational games. Therefore, based on the current situation in China and foreign countries, the study will analyze the future development and prospect . 

    However,there are still some problems to solve, such as the immature of technological supports. Therefore, the thesis gives several suggestions: for educational games developers, they are supposed to develop and create different kinds of games with educational purposes, making them applied more in class; for educators, they should encourage students to participate in the textual environment in educational games; for students, they are suggested to learn while playing with the help of educational games and give immediate feedback for teachers. 

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