
        The objective of this thesis is to provide a general concept of educational games and to find out how educational games affect EFL learning. The thesis is going to analyze the relevant studies and researches of educational games abroad and at home, combining with EFL Teaching. We will analyze the theoretical framework and theories ,and which is most important is that, the part of the development and prospect of educational games in China. As a new teaching media, which is different from those traditional games in language teaching classes, educational games can be a meaningful auxiliary teaching method and also an ideal vehicle for developing language learning skills and capacities. Moreover, for teachers, this thesis will give them some suggestions on how to apply educational games more effectively applied in EFL teaching class. Therefore, if educational games can be used and applied in EFL Teaching classes properly, students will have a comfortable and enjoyable learning environment, and which is more important, leading to the goal of promoting and improving learners’ acquisition abilities.  

        1.2. Significance of the Study

        In language study, motivation and interest are the most significant factors for children to learn skills. Wright (1984) once said like this, “Games provide meaningful and enjoyable language practice at levels and for all ages. They can be used to practice any of the skills-speaking, listening,reading and writing at any stage of the learning process, from controlled repetition through guided practice to free expression.” Wright expressed the significance of games.

        Educational games can be an model for EFL Teaching class. It can transfer the traditional language learning games into certain systematic theories. Nowadays in the 21st century, with the fast development of economic and living standard, people begin to pay more attention to education quality combining with new teaching and learning methods. Therefore, educational games ,regarding as advanced concepts of language learning, are widely accepted and promoted.

    Educational games can improve the quality of teaching and learning. Playing games is the nature of children, so adding games into language learning class, is a suitable way for students to learn in a comfortable and enjoyable environment. It can encourage students to think, communicate, and interact. Students of different levels all have the opportunities to achieve better goals.

        Therefore, if educational games are applied in EFL Teaching class, they can bring lots of benefits to students as well as teachers. They are not only games with educational purposes, but more importantly, games combined with entertainments and educational purposes. They are used for fun and interest; they are used for practice and application;they are used for learning and reviewing. Educational games are towards the main forms of EFL Teaching class. 

    1.3. Structure of the Thesis

    This thesis is composed of five parts.The first chapter will introduce the objective, structure and significance of educational games. And the second chapter is literature review which provides a general idea of the educational games. In this part, the most creative factor is the comparison with traditional games in EFL Teaching class, which has a profound impact on future development. Also, the theoretical framework and the mechanism of educational games will be mentioned, followed by relevant studies of applications and practice abroad and at home. The third and fourth chapter will introduce the development and applications of educational games abroad and at home and some famous examples of applications. The most important part is chapter four. What’s more, the thesis is going to analyze the prospect and provide some suggestions for teachers on how to apply educational games better in language teaching classes. The fifth part is the conclusion part in which the thesis will have a summary of educational games and their applications in EFL Teaching.

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