
    How to Implement Humanistic Education through Teaching of English Reading in Middle Schools Abstract  English Curriculum Standards (2011) for compulsory education highlights the unity of instrumentalism and humanism in the course of English education. English teaching which has its humanistic value cannot be regarded only as a tool for communication. English Curriculum Standards (2011) also points out that the ultimate objective of the English education is to enhance the all-round development of students. Therefore, it is urgent to implement humanistic education in the practice of English teaching in middle schools. Based on the analysis of humanistic elements in teaching materials, this paper presents the implementation of humanistic education through teaching of English reading in middle schools. A case study has been carried out to illustrate humanistic education through teaching reading. At the end of the paper, recommendations on how to implement humanistic education through teaching reading will be made.

    Key words: humanistic education; teaching of English reading; middle schools47521


    摘  要义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)明确了义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性的双重性质,认为英语不仅仅是交际的工具,同时也具有高度的人文价值。课程标准还指出英语课程的宗旨和目标是为了学生的全面发展,在英语教育中贯彻人文主义教育是极其重要的。当前英语教育中普遍存在的一些问题也使得人们对人文主义教育有了更高的需求。本文首先系统分析英语阅读教材中的人文性特点,然后通过具有代表性的教学案列来展示如何在英语阅读教育中实施人文主义教育。最后文章尝试就如何实施英语阅读教学中的人文主义教育提出了一些建议。



    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review...3

        2.1 Humanistic Education..3

    2.2 Humanistic Education in English Curriculum Standards (2011).4

    2.3 Teaching Reading in Middle Schools..5

    3. The Analysis of Humanism in Reading Materials in Middle schools...8

    3.1 Brief Introduction of Reading Materials..8

    3.2 Exploration of Humanism in Reading Materials.9

    4. How to Implement Humanistic Education Through Teaching of English Reading.12

    4.1 Principles of Humanistic Education Approach..12

    4.2 A Case Study..13

        4.2.1 Teaching material13

        4.2.2 Teaching objective...14

        4.2.3 Teaching procedure.14

    5. Conclusion...17



    1. Introduction 

        Humanistic education is becoming more and more important nowadays. It is highly valued by scholars from all over the world and is also reflected in numerous UNESCO reports. The four props for the 21st century school education are that “learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together”, which require the citizen in future society to possess the sense and the capability of development. With the progress of era, almost every part of human life begins to pay special attention to humanism. Language teaching is no exception. It is proposed by many scholars that English teaching should be combined with humanistic education because English is one of the main courses in China from primary school to college. Reading is an important way to foster students` comprehension and teaching reading is extremely important in middle schools. Due to exam-oriented education, English education is deeply influenced by utilitarianism. The current English reading class is in the condition that students are just passive knowledge receivers who are not energetic enough to participate in the classroom activity and teachers are only instructors who do all the talking from the beginning to the end. Despite the fact that English reading class is teacher-centered, the main objectives of the reading class are only to have students grasp new words and sentence structures. English is simply regarded as a tool for communication. However, English Curriculum Standards (2011) for compulsory education points out that the nature of the English course is both instrumental and humanistic. The aim of English education is to improve students` comprehensive qualities as well as their all-round development. Under the current situation of English teaching, this aim cannot be achieved. It is far from enough for students to grasp the basic language knowledge. Their independent thinking ability and creativity should also be well-protected. Therefore, English teachers need to comprehend and implement the objectives of English Curriculum Standards. In the procedure of teaching reading, it is teachers` obligation to dig up the humanism in reading materials, then lead the students to appreciate and understand the humanism by their own. Besides, students are the center of class. To fulfill the teaching concept of English Curriculum Standards (2011) and obtain the whole-development of students, humanistic education must be implemented in English reading class in middle schools.

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