
    This essay mainly talks about the schema theory, to testify whether the application of schema theory have a positive effect on reading class. The research makes it possible to have a better understanding of schema theory and figure out its advantages on improving reading ability. Through the experiment made by the author, the positive function of the schema theory applying in the reading class will be testified. Since students' emotion, attitude and value are particularly emphasized in the current English Curriculum Standards, the essay is expected to find out students’ attitude towards the application of schema theory in reading class through a questionnaire.

    1.3 Research Questions

    In order to find out whether it can boost students’ reading ability by applying schema theory in reading class of junior high school, there are several questions involved in the essay: 1) Does applying Schema Theory in reading class have a positive effect on students’ reading ability? 2) How to apply the schema theory to the English reading class of junior high school?

        The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one is an introduction, which talks about the background and significance of the research, together with the research questions. Chapter two is literature review, which concentrates on the description of the current study on the schema theory and reading teaching. Chapter three is theoretical framework, including the description of theories relevant to reading and the schema theory. Chapter four is research methodology, focusing on the experiments made by the author in Gouli Middle School, covering the explanation of subjects, instruments, research design and procedures. Chapter five is results and discussion, which will includes the analysis of the results and some main find. Chapter six is reflection, paying attention to make a conclusion and find out the limitations and further research of the research

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