
     An Eco-feminist Reading of Gone with the Wind Abstract Gone with the Wind, the only literary work of Margaret Mitchell, ensures her position in the world literature. In Gone with the Wind, Margaret fully expresses her ecological feminism consciousness.

    This thesis starts with the rebellions of women and nature under patriarchy society in Gone with the Wind. Women try to control their own destiny and protect nature when nature is under the control of men. And the similarities between females and nature are also made clear. To sum up, human beings and nature are equal and they should build a harmonious relationship. 47800

    Keywords: Eco-feminism; women; patriarchy society; nature

    《飘》的生态女性主义解读摘  要玛格丽特·米切尔,凭着一部作品《飘》奠定了她在世界上的文学地位。在《飘》中,玛格丽特充分表达了她的生态女权主义意识。




    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Margaret Mitchell and Gone with the Wind1 

    1.2 Literature Review1

        1.3 Framework of the Thesis3

    Chapter 2 Men’s Hegemony over Women

    2.1 Scarlett’s Pursuit for Female Inpiduality5

    2.2 Scarlett’s Will in Chasing Free Love6

    2.3 Scarlett's Determination in Engaging in Trade6

    Chapter 3 Human beings’ Control over Nature

    3.1 Men’s Damage to the House8

    3.2 Women’s Protection of the House8

    Chapter 4 Eco-feminism in Gone with the Wind

    4.1 Feminized Nature and Naturalized Women10

        4.1.1 Feminized Land10

        4.1.2 Naturalized Scarlett and Melanie11

    4.2 Similarities between Women and Nature

        4.2.1 Similar Hardships11

        4.2.2 Similar Status12

    Chapter 5 Conclusion

        5.1 A Brief Summary of the Thesis14

    5.2 The Significance of the Thesis14


    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Margaret Mitchell and Gone with the Wind

    Margaret Mitchell(November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author and journalist and a lifelong resident and native of Atlanta, Georgia. She was born in 1900 into a wealthy family of lawyers. Her father was a attorney and her mother was a suffragist. In 1936, her novel Gone with the Wind was published and caused a sensation. Actually, the prototype of the protagonist of Gone with the Wind is the author’s grandmother, Annie E. Stephens who went through Civil War, married into Atlanta as a war bride, took part in city council and even condemned idle men. What is more, the author’s mother, Mary Isabel Stephens was also an outstanding female in Atlanta society. She often participated in many feminist movements with little Mitchell and gave impassioned speeches. Largely influenced by that kind of family, Margaret Mitchell had a strong will to write feminist literature.  

    In the early 1930s, as a reporter for The Atlanta Journey, Mitchell read plenty of historical data of Civil War which provided a lot of writing materials for her. After marriage, she resigned because of leg injury. Then after 10 years, she finally finished her masterpiece—Gone with the Wind and became famous. In the novel, Mitchell shaped a series of females who have distinct characters and make different chooses confronting the life. This novel factually describes the history of Civil War and its post-war reconstruction as well as the hardships of transformation from slave class to capitalism with the main line of Scarlett’s love, family, and economic life.  

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