
    Reasons of Being Invisible—An Analysis of Different Identities in Invisible Man Abstract The inequality between white Americans and African-Americans has long been one of the major problems in America and it has obstructed the development of America. After World War Two, more people became aware of the inequality and many literature works concerned with it and its reason were published. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison was also one of them. The book exposed the inequality and its reason by showing the invisibility of African-Americans and an analysis to the reasons of their invisibility could help reveal the reasons of inequality. Different characters mentioned in the book represent different identities and through the exploration to some of the identities and their problems, reasons for why African-Americans were invisible could be found. This thesis aims to explore the reasons why African-Americans were invisible through analyzing different identities mentioned in the novel and exposing the problems in those identities. African-Americans were invisible because white Americans refused to see them and they failed to find the real identity that could make them visible: some of them were constrained by the previous slave identity and some possessed an incomplete identity. White Americans were too arrogant and prejudiced to see them; some African-Americans were oppressed because of their previous slave identity and lost the ability or courage to fight for the equal real identity while some of them stuck to the slave identity and accepted inequality and invisibility willingly; other African-Americans abandoned important part of their real identity and lost the chance of being equal and visible. 47899

    Keywords: reason; invisible; identity; African-American


    摘  要美国白人与非裔美国人之间的不平等存在已久,这是美国社会中最主要的问题之一,而这个问题也长久的阻碍着美国社会的发展。第二次世界大战之后,更多的人意识到了这个问题。因此,以这个问题或分析该问题原因为主题的相关文学作品得到大量出版,隐形人也是其中之一。这本书通过展示非裔美国人的不可见性来揭露他们受到的不平等待遇,通过对他们不可见性原因的分析,也可以一探为什么他们无法取得平等地位。书中提到的不同人物都代表了不同的身份,通过对这些身份和他们存在的问题的探究,可以找出非裔美国人隐形的原因。本篇论文意在通过分析小说中出现的不同人物来探究非裔美国人隐形的原因。非裔美国人隐形是因为美国白人拒绝看到他们,而他们也无法找到能使自己可见的真实身份:他们中有些人为之前的奴隶身份所束缚,因而丧失了继续斗争的勇气与能力,还有一些人仍然固守奴隶身份,自愿接受一切不平等和他们的不可见性。还有部分非裔美国人抛弃了他们真实身份中的重要部分,因而失去了获得平等和可见性的机会。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Historical Background 1

    1.2 Practical significance 1

    1.3 Literature review 2

    2. The Prejudiced White Americans 4

    2.1 Arrogant white Americans 4

    2.2 Hypocritical white Americans 4

    3. Constrained African-Americans 5

    3.1 Oppressed African-Americans 6


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