
     2、    Literature review    The thesis of this paper is focusing on The Joy Luck Club, talking about cultural identity construction of the main characters from the perspective of cultural translation. The current research actuality towards this thesis can be classified into three categories. The first category is related Homi Bhabha’s theory; the second category is focusing on The Joy Luck Club; and the last category is some relevant materials about Amy Tan’s works or Chinese American literature.   This entry point of the paper is “cultural translation” which is firstly posed by Homi Bhabha, one of the noted founders of postcolonial theory. He expounds this conception in the last chapter of The Location of Culture which was published in 1994. He indicates that cultural translation is not interlingual translation, but a particular feature of postcolonial literature that translation is integrated into writing. He insists that “cultural translation” also refers to the state of being transferred from one country to another (Homi Bhabha, 1994). Thus, many Chinese cultures in the Chinese American literature, to some extent, can be considered as translation.   Besides, there are many reviews on Bhabha’s theory. Some focus on a certain perspective, such as Ni Beifeng. She elaborates cultural translation in three parts, including the third space, foreignness of languages, and borderline negotiations (倪蓓锋,2011). Others study the whole theory, like Wang Ning (王宁, 2002). What’s more, there also some scholars probe into cultural translation and the construction of cultural identity. Take Wang Guanglin as an example. He studies cultural translation based on lots of Chinese American works like The Woman Warrior as well as The Joy Luck Club. On this basis, he explores how those Chinese American writers construct the cultural identities of the main characters (王光林,2002). In addition, Qin Zongbi reviews on The Joy Luck Club and explains the cultural identities of the main characters in detail. But his main focuses are cultural negation, cultural negotiation, and cultural hybridity (秦宗璧,2009).    Moreover, there are a variety of reviews on The Joy Luck Club itself. However, the major research direction varies from people to people. Some pay attention to the cultural identity, such as cultural cognition, construction of cultural identity and etc. Others analyze relationships between mothers and their daughters thus to illustrate the cultural difference and assimilation. Examples of the former include Liu Jianfeng and Guo Jianlian, and Qin Zongbi. Liu and Guo mainly discover how do the second-generation immigrants understand their cultural identity which is reflected in the book (刘剑锋and郭建莲, 2011). Qin Zongbi mainly explores the procedure of cultural identity construction of those daughters in The Joy Luck Club (秦宗璧, 2013). Examples of the later include Cheng Aimin (程爱民,2001) and Peng Taoying (彭桃英, 2006) and the like.

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