    An Analysis of Dehumanization in Never Let Me Go  Abstract  Never Let Me Go, the sixth work of Kazuo Ishiguro’s, who has received the prestigious Booker Prize in 1989, features human clones and  is narrated by  the “carer” Cathy who  looks back  the  story which  she has experienced with her friends Tommy and Ruth in Hailsham, a boarding school in fictional England. Through the story we could find that their daily life and emotional experience are as normal as the human beings. But their “destiny” and “responsibility” are inescapably redesigned to provide organs for human beings. Kazuo Ishiguro, a Japanese-born British novelist, is widely acknowledged as one of the Three Immigrant Giants in British literature with V.S. Naipaul and Salman Rushdie. Grown up with cultural difference between Japan and Britain, Ishiguro regards himself as an international writer and is much more interested in writing an international subject. After Never Let Me Go came off the press in 2005, there were numerous reviews on this novel, but those reviews by the large interpreted this novel from the angle of the theme and the features of science fiction writing techniques alone, scarcely from the aspect of  the dehumanization.    Objection to dehumanization is one of the themes of Never Let Me Go. It intends to arouse awareness of humanity. This analysis tries to interpret Never Let Me Go from the perspective of dehumanization. It aims to analyze dehumanization towards both clone beings and human beings in Never Let Me Go, the impact it brings to  both  and  finally  the  enlightenments  for  the  modern  times.  The author hopes that an analysis of dehumanization in Never Let Me Go will not merely help to have a more comprehensive understanding of this novel, but also acknowledge the negative consequence, so as to stimulate human to think about how to live in a caring and humane society.  48103
    Key words:Never Let Me Go; Kazuo Ishiguro; dehumanization; human; human clones
    从去人性化角度解读《别让我走》  摘要 《别让我走》是1989年获得布克奖的日裔英籍作家石黑一雄的第六部作品。该作品以克隆人为主角,由照顾捐赠器官的捐献者的“看护员”凯西以记忆倒叙的方式,回述与在黑尔舍姆一起长大的朋友露丝和汤米之间的故事,其采用间接叙述的手法讲述了克隆人与正常人无异的成长、情感经历,以及他们早被设计好的命运和无可避免的责任——为人类提供用于移植的器官。其作者石黑一雄是当今英国文坛少数族裔的杰出代表,与奈保尔、拉什迪并称为“英国文坛移民三雄”。在英日文化差异的背景之下成长,石黑一雄一直以一名国际主义作家自居,他的作品不着重于关注少数族裔族群的生存和精神状态,而是关注人类共性,追求文学作品的世界性。自2005年《别让我走》出版以来,很多学者对其进行了解读,但基本上都是从小说主题和科幻文文体写作技巧等这几个方面入手,很少有从去人性化的角度去解读这部作品。  反对去人性化是《别让我走》的主题之一。它强调唤醒人类的人性。由此,本研究将从去人性化角度解读《别让我走》,指出文中的人类和克隆人的去人性化表现,旨在揭示由去人性化带来的一系列消极影响,并由此引出对现代社会的启示。笔者希望能对《别让我走》有更全面的认识,理解由去人性化所带来的社会负面作用,以促使人们思考该如何构建一个更加有关怀和人情的社会。 
    毕业论文关键词: 《别让我走》;石黑一雄;去人性化;人类;克隆人  


     1.  Introduction  ...... 1 

    1.1 Introduction of Kazuo Ishiguro  ..... 1 

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