    AbstractDriven by interest in pun translation, this thesis decides on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) asthe research topic, where Lewis Carroll, the author, produces plenty of word plays, thereby creating aremarkable humorous effect. The pun translation, as the most daunting problem in the translation of this story,is regarded as a remarkable challenge for researchers and translators through different generations. This thesisselects two Chinese versions of Alice’ s Adventures in Wonderland from two periods, namely Yuan Ren Chao'sversion (1922) and Zhang Xiaolu's (1998), and analyzes them under Delabastita's pun translation theory,aiming to figure out how the translators coped with the problem in the light of Delabastita's translation theoryof pun translation and aesthetic appreciation.The whole thesis is pided into six chapters. The first chapter presents the research background, purposeand significance of the study, research methodology and data collection. The second chapter serves as aliterature review. In this part, the definition and classification of pun, previous researches on pun translationand Delabastita's theory of pun translation are explained respectively. The third chapter compares thecommonalities and the discrepancies between Chao's and Zhang's pun translation from four examples in theirtranslated versions. The fourth chapter analyzes the possible reasons of the commonalities, discussing thesemay be the common problems which we would encounter in pun translation and they might be universal in thetransformation of other languages. The fifth chapter gives the possible reasons of their discrepancies byreferencing translators' translation ideology towards pun translation, which is represented in their translators'prefaces and other related theoretical works. While the last chapter uses Delabastita's theory to rethink thecommonalities, the discrepancies and the translators' words from these three angles.48106
    Keywords: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Dirk Delabastita; pun translation
    德拉巴斯提塔的双关语翻译理论在《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中的应用——赵元任和张晓路译本摘 要基于对双关语翻译研究的兴趣,本文选择了英国著名作家路易斯·卡罗尔的代表作《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》(1865)为研究对象。卡罗尔在书中运用了大量的双关语,为作品增加了诸多幽默效果。而双关语翻译作为该作品的翻译难点, 挑战了不同时代的研究者和翻译家。 本文选取分处不同年代的两个译本,即赵元任(1922)和张晓路(1998)的双关语翻译为样本,拟在德拉巴斯提塔的双关语翻译理论框架下对它们进行比较研究,分析两位翻译家对双关语处理的异同及其原因,目的在于通过分析德拉巴斯提塔的翻译理论,逐渐明晰该理论对双关语翻译方法及其艺术价值的评估皆具有一定的影响与导向性。全文一共分为六章,第一章介绍本论文的背景、目的、研究方法及数据来源,第二章介绍双关语的定义和分类,前人对双关语翻译的研究现状以及德拉巴斯提塔的翻译理论,第三章以赵元任和张晓路两位译者对爱丽丝漫游奇镜记中双关语的处理为例,探讨两人双关语翻译中的共性和出入。第四章分析两个版本翻译共性的原因,探讨双关语翻译中普遍存在的,不止在英文和中文间,而可能是任两个语言转换间都会存在的共性难题。 第五章主要以两位译者本身对双关语的理解和他们译者序以及其他理论著作中体现的翻译思想为参照,分析两版译本出入的原因。第六章从德拉巴斯提塔的理论入手,重新思考以他的理论是如何看待两个翻译版本的共性、出入和赵元任、张晓路两位先生的翻译观。


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