Abstract  The manners of the aristocrats of England are one of the most significant labels for the kingdom of gentleman。 It has been interdependent and mutually conditional with law, morality and system, deeply holds the ethical and moral concepts of the aristocratic society, helps people handle social relations properly and maintains stable life order。 The most successful British classical drama series for a decade-- Downton Abbey sets in a fictional estate-- Downton Abbey in 20th century in Yorkshire。 By describing all kinds of disputes caused by the family inheritance of the Lord Grantham, it shows the different attitudes of the British nobles and servants towards life in the strict system。 The fastidious costumes and sceneries, rigorous dialogues and plots create a world that is true to Britain’s past。 This paper will focus on four main aspects of the manners of English aristocrats: table manners, marriage customs, behavior standards and dress code depending on the scenes and details of the Downton Abbey and explore the applications of these manners in modern life。76938

Keywords: English aristocrats; etiquette culture; Downton Abbey




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 The Manners of the Aristocrats of Edwardian England 2

3。1 Table manners 2

3。2 Marriage customs 3

3。3 Code of conduct 4

3。4 Dress code 6

4。 Applications of the Manners in Modern Life 8

4。1 Ways of greeting 8

4。2 Points of conversation 9

4。3 Social intercourse 10

5。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

 The aristocrats of Edwardian England and their servants lived by a very odd set of rules, a world was taken for granted by their contemporaries but surprisingly distant from us。 To them, these manners were the way they lived their life and what a life! Manners involved in all aspects of life——the way you got dressed, ate, stood, and so on。 Every detail mattered。 It said who you were and where you belonged。 Were you an aristocrat or a servant! With the development of globalization in the recent years, people have realized the differences between the Chinese and western cultures, more and more people are interested in the manners of the aristocrats of England, related courses are spread to the whole country。 The popularity of Downtown Abbey pushes forward the upsurge to a higher degree。 The drama series brings alive those details that have been deadened by the passage of time。 It is a secret code that tells you everything about Edwardian England。 And I’m going to help you step back to try to re-imagine the time in which the aristocrats of Edwardian England lived and have detailed understanding to the aristocratic manners culture and integrate into the English society more effectively。 论文网

















