
    A Study on Metaphor Translation from the Perspective of German Functionalist Translation Theory in Fortress Besieged

    Abstract  This paper aims to investigate metaphor translation in light of German functionalist translation, especially the strategy of documentary translation. Within this aim, the Fortress Besieged is taken as a case to study for its abundant resources of metaphor. The theoretic basis is unfolded according to four major figures with their theories, and they are Katharina Reiss and Functional Category of Translation Criticism, Hans.J.Vermeer and Skopos Theory, Justa Holz-Manttari and The theory of Translational Action, Christiane Nord and Function Plus Loyalty. The research method mainly focuses on text analysis, which is pided into three parts according to different translation methods adopted among literal translation, philological translation and exoticizing translation. It comes to a conclusion that according to the metaphor translated by Kelly and Mao, their Skopos to arouse target reader’s attention to the book and to the Chinese culture, achieves a success, while Skopos to reproduce the aesthetic effect needs more caution. If the text receiver fails to understand the translation, it is suggested to replace the exoticizing translation to philological translation, so that the function of the translation would be achieved. It is also concluded that the translators succeed in interpersonal interaction following the theory of translational action with the principle of loyalty being taken into consideration.58220

    Keywords: Metaphor translation, Fortress Besieged, German functionalist translation theory, Documentary translation


    摘要本论文主要从德国功能主义理论角度研究《围城》译本中的隐喻翻译,尤其是纪实翻译策略。《围城》中有丰富的隐喻例子,是研究文学隐喻翻译良好的案例。本文理论依据是由四位主要翻译家以及他们各自的理论组成,他们分别是赖斯的功能主义翻译批评,费米尔的目的论,曼塔里的翻译行为理论以及诺德的忠诚原则。本文研究方法主要是文本分析,根据三中不同的翻译方法,文本分析分成三种,即字面翻译,文献翻译和异化翻译。文本分析得出的结论是茅国权与凯利两位译者成功实现激发读者对钱钟书以及其作品兴趣的目的,但要再现隐喻中的审美效果还需要更谨慎。若译者无法理解译文,译者需要将异化翻译转化成文献翻译, 翻译的功能才能得以实现。译者遵守了翻译行为理论,成功处理了翻译过程中的人际关系,同时也遵守了忠诚原则。



    1.Introduction 7

    2. A Literature Review of Metaphor 8

    2.1 Metaphor and Metaphor Translation 8

    2.1.1 Studies on Metaphor in the West 8

    2.1.2 Studies on Metaphor in China 9

    2.1.3 Studies on Metaphor Translation 9

    2.2 Metaphor in Fortress Besieged 10

    2.2.1 Introduction of Wei-ch'eng 10

    2.2.2 Critiques of the Translation in China 10

    2.2.3 Overseas Critiques of the Translation 10

    2.2.4 The Role of Metaphor in Fortress Besieged 11

    3.Functionalist Translation Theory and its Account of Metaphor Translation 12

    3.1 German Functionalist Translation Theory 12

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