
    2. Literature review
         In the history of translation, the work related to color words is always a big issue. Because of the different environments, cultural traditions, custom and appreciation of beauties, the symbolic and emotional meaning of the basic color words in Chinese and English differ greatly from each other.
    Color words themselves have a kind of social attributes. Different nation differs from the point of color words. The same color word shows different cultural psychology, thinking and connotation with different people from all over the world. And here ,“Ching” as a very special one, is much more complex. To the translation of it, we get many scenes, from example, Ching as a color word, Ching fixed with other words becoming a phrase or a fixed collocation and so on. And even Ching as a simple color word, it may equals to blue, black, green or some other colors. So, nowadays, many scholars are doing research work relating to “Ching”. And they will do it in many different ways.
     Someone thinks that “Ching” as a unique color word in Chinese language, is not only rich in its color meaning, but also in its cultural meaning. When translating “Ching”, the translator should first determine its real color meaning or cultural meaning according to the specific context and then make an accurate reproduction of the version. Thus, the translation work will be much more serious and more flexible. People of other nations will get the real meaning of what we want to express much easier.
    Someone thinks that color is one of the basic cognitive fields of human being. The cognition of the main colors of red, green, blue, black and white between English and Chinese is the same or similar. But, sometimes the color vocabulary has its feathers and cultural meaning due to the differences of the locations, historical tradition, religion, race and thinking habits. So why doing translation, we should focus on these aspects and be faithful to the original text and express what the author want to express in deed.
    Someone has done it by getting small sentences from famous books and then making conclusions from what they find about how to translate it in a correct way.
    Someone has done it by finding a famous book 《Shui Hu Zhuan》with its original text and the English version By Sha Boyi and then pick up all the words related to Ching, finally getting the induction and summary. It is found that first, the language used in this book is all old Chinese. In old Chinese, Ching can be blue, green, black or others. But Ching’s meaning becomes much more different in modern Chinese and the same time, we can never find a synonym. So in order to make a correct translation, interpreter should firstly take the special time, space and cultural context to correctly understand its meaning in the original text. Second, according to the Cultural classification theory, the color words can be fragmented into three categories, and the researcher separate it into nine and have a deeper analysis. Finally, the researcher find that in the fifty-four examples he found in his research, more than half of the translation of Sha’s is almost faithful to the original text. While Sha is doing the work related to Ching in an ecological culture, it shows the highest correctness. When he is doing this work in religious culture, the correctness is also in a high percent. However, when Ching appear in the word related to material culture, especially clothes and furniture, the correctness is not so much high. While in choosing the translation strategy, Sha chooses to be faithful to the original text and then based on his own understanding, he will keep or omit the color.
    And in the future, people will connect the two different parts together to make it more clear for next generation that how to translate “Ching” from Chinese to English.
    In this paper, I am trying to find out the correct translation of “Ching”. “Ching” as a kind of color, we all know that it can be translated into blue, black or green or some other color. But the problem is that if “Ching” is connected with other Chinese words and become a noun, how to translate it in this kind of situation? Moreover, to this problem, it can also be separated into two parts. One is the noun that still has some relationships with Ching’s basic meanings; the other is that finally it becomes a noun has none business with “Ching”. How to deal with these two parts?
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