
    Abstract The English translation of Chinese dish names is a relatively new translation realm. As eating is of vital importance in our daily life, the translation of Chinese Cuisine dish names is a significant part of translation studies. Zhejiang province is frequently visited by foreigners due to its high economic development level and its close communication with many foreign counties. Thus, the proper translation of Zhe Cuisine is of great importance, not only well introducing what the food is but to promote the profound Chinese Cuisine culture to the whole world.48462

    In this paper, the study and analysis of the translation of the names of Zhe Cuisine on the basis of the two strategies     foreignization and domestication are carried out.

    Key words: foreignization strategy; domestication strategy; English translation; Zhe Cuisine


    摘  要中文菜名的翻译是相对于较新的领域。饮食在我们日常生活中极其重要,因此,对中文菜名的翻译是翻译研究中一个重要的部分。由于经济的高速发展以及与许多国家亲密地交流使得有很多的外国人来浙江旅游。因此,对浙菜菜名恰当的翻译非常重要,源^自#优尔^文~论`文{网[www.youerw.com,不仅仅是因为它可以介绍这些食物,更是因为恰当的翻译可以促进深厚的中国饮食文化传播到整个世界。


    毕业论文关键词:归化; 异化; 英文翻译; 浙菜 


    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Importance of proper translation of Zhe Cuisine 1

    1.2 Existing problems in the translation of Zhe cuisine 1

    2. Literature review 3

    2.1 Studies on the translation of dish names 3

    2.1.1 Studies on the translation of dish names at home 3

    2.1.2 Studies on the translation of dish names abroad 4

    2.2 Studies on the Foreignization and Domestication strategies in English translation of Chinese dishes 5

    3. Theoretical Foundation and Methodology 7

    3.1 Introduction of Foreiginization Strategy 7

    3.2 Introduction of Domestication Strategy 7

    3.3 Connection between the two strategies 8

    3.4 Methodology 8

    4. The Combination of the two strategies in the English translation of Zhe Cuisine 10

    4.1 Application of Foreignization Strategy 10

    4.2Application of domestication Strategy 13

    4.3 Application of the two strategies in English translation of Zhe Cuisine 14

    4.4 Limitations of the study 15

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Importance of proper translation of Zhe Cuisine

    As one of the most developed provinces in China, Zhejiang has contributed a lot to China’s economy. Because of its rapid economic growth and beautiful natural scenery, Zhejiang attracts many tourists from home and abroad every year. There were 488 million tourists visiting Zhejiang in 2014, and the total revenue of tourism reached 63 billion. What’s more, Hangzhou will host G20 Summit in 2016 and the 19th Asian Games in 2023. All of these evidences showed that Zhejiang is becoming more and more international, which means more and more tourists will come to visit Zhejiang. Therefore, introducing Zhe Cuisine to foreign tourists is an important mission. As is known to all, food is the paramount necessity to people, and food thus is an important part of culture. Consequently, in order to make foreigners better understand Zhejiang’s culture, it is significant for us to translate the names of Zhe Cuisine in a proper way so that they can be accepted.

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