


    Abstract In this paper, it briefly analyzes and evaluates the two concepts of “semantic translation” and “communicative translation” which are put forward by Peter Newark. By comparing their differences, it tries to clarify the concrete application methods. Semantic translation pays more attention to the loyalty to the original texts, however, communicative translation pays more attention to how to get the readers who read the translation of the texts own the same feeling with the original readers. They differ in the fact that the former pays more attention to the nature of the effects of the original form, while the latter puts more emphasis on the real meaning of the original content. In the meantime, we can see that their differences are relative. In translation practice, in order to seek the best effect of the translation, the translators usually use the alternative selection of the two methods.

    Key words: semantic translation; communicative translation; difference

    The Comparison and Analysis of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation. 2

    2.1 The Principle of Equivalence 2

    2.2 The Definition of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 3

    2.3 The Theoretical Basis of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 4

    III. The Differences between Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 5

    3.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 8

    IV. The Application of the Semantic Translation and the Communicative Translation 9

    4.1 The Occasion Suitable for Semantic Translation 10

    4.2 The Occasion Suitable for Communicative Translation 11

    4.3 The Application of the Combination of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 12

    V. Conclusion 15

    Bibliography 17

    Acknowledgements 18

    I. Introduction

      Peter Newmark is the famous theorist and educator of translation in English. He put forward a lot of translation theories in his books A Text Book of Translation and Approaches to Translation, and discussed them by combining with a lot of examples. And the theories have great influence on translation. In the introduction of the Approaches to Translation, Eugene Nida puts out that the biggest contribution of Peter Newmark is interpreting the semantic translation and communicative translation in detail. This concept attaches high attention abroad, and it not only eases the situation that argued over literal translation and free translation for a long time by the western translation, but also opens up a new perspective for translation activities. For the standard, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign have a lot of formulation, and Newmark thought that the standard of translation must be able to measure that whether some translation methods are accurate and whether the methods maximize to reappear the meaning of the original. He proposed a more general standard of translation: accuracy (accurate content, truth and style) and concision, and he thought that only the semantic translation and communicative translation can achieve this goal. We can take the back-translation to detect whether the translation is accurate. But there are no standards of translation in the absolute sense, translation will change by the change of the times.

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