
    摘要英语阅读是一种语言输入的方式,在听、说、读、写四种基本技能中起着主要作用。阅读能力是一种语言的综合能力,是书面交际中通过文字获取信息的能力。然而,高中学生由于词汇量不足、语法基础弱、不良的阅读习惯等方面的原因,英语阅读能力差强人意。 小组合作学习提高英语阅读的方式之一。通过合作学习,可以锻炼学生的自学能力,增加学生对课文阅读的兴趣和动机及对课文的熟悉程度,增大了学生的词汇量,为课堂中的阅读教学打下了坚实的基础。48542

    毕业论文关键词 :高中英语教学;阅读能力;小组合作学习

    Abstract English reading is a kind of language input. About the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, reading plays an important role. Reading ability is a kind of comprehensive ability of language, and it is the ability to obtain information through writing in written communication. However, the students’ reading ability in senior high school is barely satisfactory because they lack of vocabulary, master little grammar, and have bad reading habits. Cooperative learning is a way to improve the English reading. Through cooperative learning, students can exercise their ability of self-study learning. And at the same time, it can improve students’ reading interest and motivation and familiarity with the text. Furthermore, it can increase the students' vocabulary, lay a solid foundation in the classroom teaching of reading.

    Key words: Teaching English reading in senior high schools; reading ability; group cooperative learning 

    The Effect of Group Cooperative Learning on English Reading in Senior High School


    摘 要...i


    I. Introduction1

    II. The Study of Cooperative Learning.2

    2.1 The Definition of Cooperative Learning 2

    2.2 Characteristics of Cooperative Learning..3

    III. The Main Problems in English Reading Teaching in Senior High  School7

    3.1 Inadequate Vocabulary 7

    3.2 Weak Foundation of Grammar 7

    3.3 Bad Reading Habits 7

    IV. The Effects of Cooperative Learning on English Reading8

    4.1 Group Cooperative Learning Can Reduce the Difficulty of Reading 8

    4.2 Group Cooperative Learning Can Stimulate Students' Reading Interest 8

    4.3 Group Cooperative Learning Can Improve Students' Reading Motivation 8

    4.4 Group Cooperative Learning Can Improve Students' Academic Record 9

    V .Conclusion10



    I. Introduction

    The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy, English is one of the most widely used language in the world, so the status is particularly important. English is a language course, which includes four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. They complement each other. Reading, which plays a leading role, is the foundation of listening and writing. And it determines the development and improvement of the other three skills. English reading can expand the language input, and it is an important way for students to learn and consolidate knowledge. In addition, reading can broaden students' vision and help students to understand the customs and culture in English speaking countries. It also helps students to form correct English thinking habits. Therefore, reading ability is an important skill in the process of English Teaching in senior high school, which is a kind of comprehensive ability of language. It is an ability to acquire information by writing in written communication. In the textbooks, it clearly puts forward that let the students master the language knowledge and obtain the information in the article. At the same time, through reading training, it can enable students to master certain reading skills. And it also requires high school to focus on developing students' reading comprehension ability. English reading is so important, but there are some deficiencies, in the high school students’ English reading which mainly lies in the lack of vocabulary, lack of reading skills, weak basic grammar, reading speed and so on. The traditional English Reading Teaching in senior high school is mainly based on the analysis of the words, phrases, sentences, grammar and translation of English articles. Teacher’s attention is put on the language points too much and grammar analysis, and ignores the text structure analysis, and discourse comprehension, reading skills training. Because most of the large class in:源^自'优尔;文,论|文{网[www.youerw.com our country, teachers pay less attention to the inpidual differences of students, so the bad reading habits of the students is not corrected timely or not in place. In classroom teaching, teachers always neglect the students' subjective initiative, ignore the interaction between teachers and students, and in this situation, resulting in students cannot fully think or participate in language practice. Therefore, students lack of initiative in reading and the reading initiative and enthusiasm. Due to the above reasons, students are often unable to the overall sense of the meaning of the article and the author's intention. And they can not appreciate the beauty of language. Cooperative learning is one of the ways to improve English reading, which can fully reflect the students' main body position, give full play to students' subjective initiative, enhance reading motivation, reduce reading anxiety and improve reading efficiency.

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