
    Translation is one of the centuries-old activities of cultural communication. As a bridge of cultural communication, translation plays an indispensable role in the process of international communication, enriching human culture, and promoting the convergence of the culture. Translation is involved in the author and the translator, the two languages and even the two cultures. In the process of the cultural convergence, different cultural concepts happen to crossover and collide inevitably, making it difficult to language translators. So when acquainted with two cultures, should the author be built on the perspective of the author, faithful to the original language, and use the semantic translation as often as possible, or be built on the perspective of the readers, use the different language as the center and employ the communicative translation as much as possible. This paper will discuss this problem from the differences and relations of semantic translation and communicative translation.

    II. Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation.:源^自'优尔;文,论|文{网[www.youerw.com

    2.1 The Principle of Equivalence

    Translation has many concepts and different classification, and the most influential one is the three types which are put forward by Russian American Roman Jakobson:

    (1) Intralingual translation: It uses other symbols of the same language to explain the specific verbal symbols.

    (2) Interlingual translation: It uses the verbal signs of a language to explain the verbal signs of another language.

    (3) Intersemiotic translation: It uses nonverbal symbols to explain the primitive symbols

    In these three categories, the second concept is the one that we are familiar with, and it is the transformation from one language to another language. We also can say that it is the process of establishing equity between the original and the translation. It is the truth that never be changed that translation is to establish equity in many translators’ opinion. The ultimate goal of establishing equity is to achieve “equivalence”. The effect of the translation produced in target readers and the effect of the original in the original readers should be basically the same. Eugene A. Nida, American translation theorist, is the man who first comes up with and develops the equivalent principle. His theory of “dynamic equivalence” concept is based on the “equivalence principle”. He said,” The so-called translation equals and reappears the semantic meaning and literary style of the original in the most appropriate and natural way in the target language. This is one of the equivalence theory proposed by Nida, and the other is “functional equivalence”. In functional equivalence theory, he introduces the principle of semiotics into translation studies, and regards the language and culture as two closely relevant semiotic systems.  Discourse does not exist independently from the context. The explanation of any symbol must contact the other symbols that associated with the primitive one, and symbols are meaningful in both vocabulary grammar and rhetoric level. In translation, the translator should consider the meaning of symbols on all levels, and maximally reappear the meaning of the original in the form of a series of functional equivalence. For a long time, Nida’s principle of reciprocity was generally agreed until Newmark casted doubt on his claim.

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