

    毕业论文关键词: 伯莎•梅森;人物;情节;艺术风格

    Abstract  Bertha Mason, a lunatic woman, is a footy in Jane Eyre, and she is the one who is often ignored, or even misunderstood by most readers. By adopting the methods of closing-reading and text-analysis, the author of this thesis interprets the importance of Bertha Mason from the character, the plot and the artistic style. This paper points out Bertha’s function in shaping the heroine, promoting the development of plot and manifesting the artistic style of the novel. To some extent, the thesis can help eliminate reader’s misunderstanding of Bertha Mason, and make them have a better understanding of Jane Eyre.

    Key words: Bertha Mason; character; plot; artistic style

    An Analysis of the Importance of Madwoman Bertha in Jane Eyre


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. An Analysis of Bertha Mason in View of Character Necessity 2

     2.1 The Introduction of Jane Eyre 2

     2.2 The Proper Emergences of Bertha Mason 2

     2.3 The Analysis of Bertha’s Structural Funnction 4

    III. An Analysis of Bertha Mason in View of Plot Necessity 5

     3.1 The Correspondence Between the Child and Bertha Mason 5

     3.2 The Substitute Function of Bertha Mason 6

     3.3 The Resistance of Bertha Mason 8

    IV. An Analysis of Bertha Mason in View of Artistic Style Necessity 9

     4.1 Realism and Psychoanalysis Necessity of Bertha Mason 9

     4.2 Balance and Harmony Necessity of Bertha Mason 11

     4.3 Realism and Art Necessity of Bertha Mason 12

    V. Conclusion 13

    Bibliography 15

    Acknowledgements 16I. Introduction

    Jane Eyre is a realistic novel with a strong romantic color. It is widely acknowledged that Jane Eyre is popular not only in the United Kingdom, but also all around the world. It is one of the most important published works in the nineteenth century, and it is the masterpiece of British female novelist Charlotte Bronte. The whole novel has two prominent features: Jane Eyre’s spirit of resistance and her encouragement of pursuing happiness. The novel has an eternal theme: the value of human being is based on the dignity and love. The story successfully shapes a great female character by telling about her life. During the childhood, the heroine Jane Eyre became an orphan, and she experienced plenty of hardship; in the process of fighting against it, she learned to grown up, and finally, she became a great female and lived a happy life. ^源^自#优尔:文,论:文;网[www.youerw.com

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