
    摘要随着社会的发展,因特网在大学英语自主学习中的运用越来越普遍, 在其中的作用也越来越重要。本文主要采用文献资料研究的方法对因特网在大学英语自主学习中的作用进行探析。因特网在大学英语自主学习中的运用是社会发展与进步的体现,它为大学英语自主学习者提供丰富的学习资源;帮助提高他们的学习效率;也为教师与学生角色关系发生重大改变提供了平台。对因特网在大学英语自主学习中的作用探析有利于帮助大学生更好的进行自主学习,希望通过本文可以帮助到更多的大学英语自主学习者。48550

    毕业论文关键词:因特网; 大学英语; 自主学习; 作用

    Abstract With the development of society, the use of the Internet in autonomous learning in college English has become more and more common and its functions in this process have become more and more important. This paper mainly discusses the functions of the Internet in college English autonomous learning through the method of literature research. The application of the Internet to college English autonomous learning is the reflection of the social development and progress. It offers rich learning materials for college English autonomous learners, helps them improve their learning efficiency and also provides a platform for the change of the relationships between teachers and students. It is helpful for college students to analyze the functions of the Internet in college English autonomous learning. I hope this paper can help more college English autonomous learners.

    Key words: Internet; college English; autonomous learning; functions

     An Analysis of the Functions of the Internet in College English Autonomous Learning


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Autonomous Learning 1

    2.1 The Concept of Autonomous Learning 2

    2.2 The Characteristics of Autonomous Learning 2

    2.3 The Characteristics of Successful Autonomous Learners 3

    2.4 Autonomous Learning in College English under the Internet Environment 5

    III. The Functions of the Internet in College English Autonomous Learning 6

    3.1 Offering Information 7

    3.2 Helping the Autonomous Learners Improve Their Learning Ability 8

    3.3 Offering an Opportunity to Change the Role of Teachers 9

    IV. The Suggestions for Using the Internet in Autonomous Learning 10

    4.1 Learning Some Scientific Means of Searching Information on the Internet 10

    4.2 Making a Learning Plan to Improve the Learning Efficiency 11

    4.3 Dealing with the Relationship between Teachers and the Internet Correctly 12

    4.4 Improving the Network Evaluation System 13

    V. Conclusion 14

    Bibliography 16^源^自#优尔:文,论:文;网[www.youerw.com

    Acknowledgments 17

    I. Introduction

    With the development of economy and multimedia, there are series of changes and reforms of education. The educational ideas, organization, contents, pattern, evaluation and environment have changed a lot. The teaching and learning model has become more and more reasonable. People pay more and more attention to autonomous learning. The word autonomous comes from the Greek word auto that means self. For this reason, autonomous is related to self. Naturally, autonomous learning is self-managed learning. Autonomous learning has been a heated topic in language learning over the last few decades. It is a kind of self-managed learning, independent learning and learners control the instruction. Nowadays, in China, with the development of the Internet, people pay more and more attention to autonomous learning. A great many college students learn English using the Internet. Internet has a great influence on the autonomous learning in college English. It offers information for autonomous learners and helps to improve their learning ability and offers an opportunity to change the role of teachers. This paper consists of five parts. The first part is introduction. The second part is autonomous learning college English under the Internet environment. The third part is the functions of the Internet in autonomous learning. The fourth part will talk about the suggestions for how to use the Internet in autonomous learning. The last part is conclusion. Hopefully it will be of great help for college students in autonomous learning with the help of the Internet.

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