
    3.3 Difference in Artistic Expression10

    3.4 Difference in Cartoon Movie Music11

    3.5 Difference in Social Backgrounds.13

    4Cultural Differences Reflected by the Cartoon Movies15

    4.1 Difference of Value 15

    4.2 Difference of the Thinking Mode 16

    4.3 Difference of the National Personality 17

    5 Conclusion. 19 

    Bibliography. 20

    1 Introduction

    Since the 1990s, the globalization trend has become increasingly apparent and the international market continuously opens. In this situation, relying on the advanced technology, innovative ideas and mature industrialization, American cartoon movies enjoy high reputation in the world. Cartoon movie has become an important genre, which is favored by the broad masses of young children and more adult audiences because of its fantastic wonderful plot, vivid animation modeling and humorous exaggeration. What’s more, it also becomes mass culture suitable for people of all age and of all educational backgrounds.

    The Chinese cartoon movie is also one part of the world animation film. From its early birth in 1920s to now, passing a long journey of more than ninety years, the Chinese cartoon movie also has obtained splendid achievement—the creation of “the Chinese School of Animation”. However, the Chinese animation modeling loses itself because of the strong shock led by American animated characters stars, such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Superman and Kung Fu Panda. Chinese animation modeling loses its nationality on animation language by copying a lot of American Disney style. Since the 1990s, along with the introduction of foreign animated films, Chinese animation cause fell into an overall downturn situation. Most market is occupied by foreign cartoon movie, namely, Chinese cartoon movie is facing great challenge.

    As a unique movie category, with its cartoon image elements, childlike emotions show, and rich imagination, cartoon movie is very popular all over the world in today’s post-industrial era. The most important thing is that it serves as fashionable means of expression to interpret different aspects of various national cultures. There is a rule in cultural transmission, and the most popular thing is that has distinct national characteristics. Animation as a kind of cultural industry, which is extending from the culture industry to the economic category, naturally has its own cultural connotations.

    Animation has a history of hundreds of years; undoubtedly, America is a powerful nation in animation production. Their animation film and animation series have made good box office in the world, also the Disneyland which is centered with the animated character and scene is far-famed. China is a catching-up nation in animation development. Chinese cartoon has a good tradition as well as a rich historical and cultural heritage. The cultural characteristics and national character of both sides show up in their own cartoon movies. We can try to consider those ethnic cultural characteristics from some surface aspects of cartoon movies, such as: theme, character design, artistic technique of expression, movie music etc. An exploration of the eastern and western cultural differences from the perspective of Chinese and American Cartoon movies is a topic combined of practicability and interestingness, which can fully embody the cultural exchange and collision.,源^自#优尔\文-论|文]网}www.youerw.com

    2 The Development of Chinese and American Cartoon Movies

    Cartoon movie is a film production in the form of animation, which is the combination of the traditional painting art and modern science and technology. Cartoon movie often composes its unique narrative language with the help of virtual visual image and exaggerated sound symbols. In order to further explore the differences between Chinese and American cartoon movies, we should trace back to find deeper kernel and cultural origins, which requires a certain understanding of the development history of both countries’ cartoon movies. This chapter will comb the development history of Chinese and American cartoon movie as the research background and important reference.

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