

    2.1 The Development of Chinese Cartoon Movies

    Chinese cartoon movie started from the early twentieth century, though its history being less than one hundred years, it also produced many excellent works with extremely rich artistic value and national features. Especially at the beginning of the founding period, it successfully tried and created a variety of new animation forms, which were known as “Chinese School”. In less than one hundred years, Chinese cartoon movie had experienced difficult exploration in early days, and also harvested high praise from international animation industry. It experienced a low stage of the cultural revolution, and also had the opportunities and challenges after the reform and open policy. From the perspective of historical development, cartoon movie cause can be roughly pided into three stages: the early exploration and development period of Chinese cartoon movie (1922—1966), the dormant and renewed prosperity period (1966—late 1980s), the transformation period of Chinese cartoon movie (1990s—now) (Net.1).

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