


    Abstract  Part of speech conversion is a key factor in translation, and only by mastering the techniques of part of speech conversion in the process of translation can translators understand and convey the original meaning of text to readers accurately and fluently. This thesis focus on studying the techniques of conversion in translation and aims at helping improving the equality of translation and conveying the original meaning ti readers more accurately. There are so many differences between English and Chinese, which creates the necessity of conversion in translation. Chinese and English comes from different families of language. Chinese lays emphasis on parataxis whereas neglects morphology .Besides, with Chinese has a more powerful grammatical function of words, and compared with vocabulary of English is smaller but better. A part of speech in Chinese can often play role of several kinds of syntactic components. English lay stress on hypotaxis and formal logic, with single grammatical function of one word, a good many morphological changes and thus an extremely rich vocabulary. Given that Chinese has no participle, infinitive foam and affix and so on, we often cannot find thoroughly identical Chinese words in meaning and part of speech for many English words, so we must often converse the part of speech according to the different character of Chinese and English so that our translation will be more accurate,nature and fluent..

    Key words: translation; part of speech conversion

     A Brief Study of Techniques of Conversion in Translation


    摘 要 1

    Abstract 2

    I. Introduction 1

    Ⅱ. Meaning of Conversion 3

     2.1 Principle and Goal of Translation 3

     2.2 the Meaning of Part of Speech Conversion 3

    Ⅲ. Techniques of Part of Speech Conversion in E-C Translation 4

     3.1 Conversion of English Parts of Speech into Chinese Verbs 4

      3.1.1English Preposition into Chinese verbs 4

      3.1.2 English Nouns into Chinese verbs 4

      3.1.3 English Adjectives into Chinese Verbs. 5

      3.1.4 English Adverbs into Chinese Verbs

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