
        Mr. Bingley abruptly returns to London Elizabeth firmly believed that Mr. Darcy and Caroline Bingley have managed to separate him from Jane.

        With the coming of winter, Jane visits her friend in the city, and she hopes that she will meet Mr. Bingley, but Mr. Bingley does not appear at all. That spring, Elizabeth visits her friend Charlotte in Kent, she now lives with Mr. Coliins near the home of Mr. Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is also Mr. Collins’s patron. Coincidentally, Mr. Darcy also arrives to visit Lady Catherine, he encounters Elizabeth. Again, Mr. Darcy finds himself still attracted to her. Therefore, he makes a shocking proposal of marriage to Elizabeth. However, Elizabeth refuses him furiously. She blames him for destroying her sister’s happiness and disinheriting Wickham. Mr. Darcy was startled. The next day Darcy finds her and leaves a letter to give account of his actions. Darcy admits the fact that he persuaded Bingley to distance himself from Jane, just because he does not think Jane is really love Bingley. Regarding Wickham, he informs Elizabeth that the young soldier is a cheater who attempts to elope with Mr. Darcy’s sister, in order to capture her fortune.

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