
    Abstract Inpidualism, as the typical western capitalist politics and social philosophy, claims and stresses the supreme inpidual value. America is the representative of inpidualism, which can be considered as the leading value of American life, and it has become the core of American culture at present. Especially since the Second World War, inpidualism has had more momentum of development in the social and people’s life. Starting from the related concept of American inpidualism and theory, this paper explores the characteristics of American inpidualism with taking the American sitcom "Friends" as an example. Through the six good friends’ different kinds of choices in family, career, love and marriage, it analyzes inpidualism expressed in various aspects of American life. The first part of this paper elaborates American inpidualism from the aspects of definition, features as well as the influences. The following is to present the application of American inpidualism in Friends. The paper attempts to help more people understand the value of American inpidualism better. It will help people to get know of American culture and promote people’s cross-culture interaction ability.49082

    Key words: inpidualism     American culture     Friends


    毕业论文关键词: 个人主义     美国文化     《老友记》


    Abstract i

    摘  要 ii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One  America Inpidualism 4

    1.1 The Understanding of America Inpidualism 4

    1.2 The Features of American Inpidualism 5

    1.3 The influence of American Inpidualism 8

    Chapter Two  Embodiment in Friends 11

    2.1 Self-independence in Family 11

    2.2 Self-struggle in the Cause 12

    2.3 Self-Selection in Love and Marriage 13

    Conclusion 16

    Works Cited 18

    Inpidualism in America----Take Friends as an Example


    As Samuel P. Huntington mentioned his view about inpidualism, “The citizens of different civilizations have different opinions about the relations between God and human, the inpidual and the group, the citizen and the nation, parents and children, husband and wife, liberty and authority, equality and hierarchy. These differences are the product of history. They will not soon disappear.”(Huntington 3) What’s more, Geert Hofstede indicated that, “Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." (Hofstede 91) All these scholars have indicated that the cultural communication and interaction between the west and the east have played an important role in guiding people’s life style and pattern all over the world. And the inpidualism and collectivism are frequently used to indicate people’s different actions.

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