
    Abstract Lord of the Flies is a famous novel of William Golding, which reveals the original evil of human nature. It is a story happening in a nuclear war. Some children were marooned on a deserted island, away from the grown-up. They restrain themselves at first, but lose their reason at last. They even kill each other and become savages. Without the restraint of civilization, human nature is evil. The whole story is written in symbolism. The children’s world is the epitome of the adult world.

    This paper analyzes the symbolism of Lord of the Flies from characters, objects and plot. It is pided into three parts. Chapter one analyzes the symbolism in characters. The children are the epitomes of grown-ups, representing civilization, reason, evil and kindness. Chapter two analyzes the symbolism in objects. Most of the objects have profound symbolic meanings. The glasses symbolize reason; the conch symbolizes civilization and democracy, order and power; lord of the flies symbolizes the evil of human nature; the beast symbolizes the savagery of human nature; the fire symbolizes civilization and hope, as well as savagery and destruction. Chapter three analyzes the symbolism in plot. Holding meetings symbolizes civilization; painting is the beginning of savagery, and hunting symbolizes savagery and evil. Golding created this work with symbolism, a little fable with profound themes. It reveals the savagery and evil of human nature, as well as the weakness of civilization and reason.

    Key Words:symbolism     characters     objects     plot     evil of human nature




    毕业论文关键词:象征     人物     实物    事件     人性本恶


    Abstract i

    摘  要 ii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One  Symbolism in Characters 3

    1.1 Simon—Saint and Prophet 4

    1.2 Ralph and Piggy—Fragile Civilization and Reason 6

    1.3 Jack and Roger—Savagery and Evil 9

    Chapter Two  Symbolism in Objects 12

    2.1 Conch Shell and Glass—Law and Order, Science and Intellectual 12

    2.2 The Beast and Lord of the Flies—Internal Evil 14

    2.3 Fire—Hope and Destruction, Civilization and Savagery

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