


    Abstract  With the further exchange of economy and trade, politics and culture between China and Western countries, people pay attention to face problems in the process of communication. As a kind of politeness phenomenon, face theory has a deep impact on the personal communication. Although face is a widely used concept, people in different cultural backgrounds endow face with different values and importance. In this paper, from the perspective of the theory of positive and negative values, the author has analyzed the differences between Chinese and English face culture, which is probed by using the method of comparative analysis. By comparing the face theory and listing a great number of examples, the author find the differences existing in vocabulary, which includes euphemism, fuzzy words, salutation and so on, semantic analysis, which includes conditional sentences, negative sentences, disjunctive questions etc, and humor. Finding their own characteristics can help people complete successfully in the cross-cultural communication, avoid misunderstandings and embarrassment.

    Key words: positive face; negative face; cultural differences; comparative analysis method

    On the Difference of Sino-English Face Culture from the Theory of Positive and Negative Face Value


    摘 要...i


    I. Introduction..1

    II. An Introduction to Face Theory ..2

     2.1 The Origin of Face Theory2

     2.2 Review of Face Theory at Abroad ...3

     2.3 Review of Face Theory at Home...4

    Ⅲ. The Different Strategies of Saving Face in Chinese and English .6

     3.1 Euphemism6

     3.2 Hedge7

     3.3 Addresses8

     3.4 Conditional9

     3.5 Negation9

     3.6 Disjunctive Question...10

     3.7 Humor..10

    IV. The Reason of the Distinction of Sino-English Face Culture.. 11

     4.1 Chinese Collectivism-orientated Culture and English Inpidualism-orientated Culture...11

     4.2 Chinese Hierarchy-orientated Culture and English Equality-orientated Culture....12

     4.3 Chinese Multi-religious Culture and English Mono-religious Culture...13



    Acknowledgments.... 16 

    I. Introduction

    With the development of economy and trade between China and the West, the tie between them has become increasingly closely related. In cross-cultural communication, the difference of culture is one of the key factors that decide whether it is successful or not. Due to the different backgrounds, face cultures in China and the west also have a lot differences. This paper aims to discuss and analyze the different strategies of saving face and the different cultural factors influencing these strategies in China and the west. It is beneficial to cope with communicative stress and the cultural conflict, and promote the communication between Chinese and the Westerners so as to improve the communicative competence. For all of the English learners, it is important to achieve a successful communication. It involves in many factors. In Chinese cultural communication pattern, the communication of Chinese nation contains unique face culture. Comparing Chinese face theory with the English face theory, we can find their peculiarity and help us to complete the cross-cultural communication successfully and evade disagreement or conflict in it.

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