
       English as one of the most important information carriers in the word communication, it has become the most widely used in various fields of human language. In basic education development strategy, many countries regarded English as an important part of citizen quality education, and put it in a prominent position. From the viewpoint of education we can see that any one subject has its own value basis. English as an international language, its fundamental value lies in the following two aspects: first, it is the practical value which regarded as to communicate with each other and expresses thoughts; second, as an integral part of human culture which has the value for social development. Our English education must focus on these two aspects of fundamental value.

        Since the early 90s, the group activities were introduced into the classroom teaching in china. The education idea of autonomy, cooperation and explore is the subject of a new round of curriculum reform, and it is the main melody of the 21st century education reform. Group of students in order to complete the common goal and task, there is a clear pision of responsibility. It was on the premise of admitting the group teaching as the basic organization form, and group study as the important means of teaching. Though we can guide the group member cooperation, it also plays a positive function. Group teaching lay particular stress on cooperation within the group. To organize a competition team, we should consider the following aspects: first, the scale of group, second, the members of group.

       This paper includes four parts: introduction, Chapter two, Chapter three and Conclusion. Introduction includes research background, the significance of research and the organization of the paper. Chapter two is the theoretical introduction of group teaching. I described the definition of group teaching, the necessity of group teaching, the advantages and the problems of group teaching. Chapter three focus on the practical use and the strategy of group teaching. It discusses the practical application of group teaching in the primary school English class. The last part is the conclusion of this research. This part main tell us the major findings and pedagogical implications of the experiment. Group teaching is an effective way on student’s English learning. Because it can not only improve the students learning interest of English, but also can cultivate the student’s cooperation ability.

    II. Background of Group Teaching Research

    2.1 The Definition of Group Teaching

        Through studied large number of documents, and combined my own teach practice, the author find that cooperative learning is a teaching theory and a strategy system. Modern social psychology, sociology of education, cognitive science and other technical education is the theoretical basis of cooperative learning. Group activities is the basic form of group teaching. Student’s interaction is the main orientation of cooperative learning. Group results are the evaluation criteria of cooperative learning.

    Group teaching is an approach to teaching and learning in which 源Z自+优尔=文-论(文+网[www.youerw.com classroom are organized so that students work together in small group (Hu Xiaoping 5). This learning method will increase the opportunities for students to participant in the classroom. But it also reduces both competitiveness and the dominance of teachers in the classroom.

    First, the group teaching was not intended to break the task of teaching. However, it is a way to guide students discuss issues within groups. And therefore, the purpose of group teaching is to organize students discuss within groups. In modern education theory, student-centered emphasizes independent learning, and therefore, the teaching process often needs to guide and organize students to discuss. In order to make every student participate in the discussion within a specified time, and they have the opportunity to express their views in the course of the discussions, so grouping becomes a desirable organizational strategy.

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  2. 下一篇:浅谈英语新闻标题的语法特点及翻译策略
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