

    毕业论文关键词:英语介词; 介词翻译; 策略

    Abstract From the view of some linguists, English preposition is functional word, and it is important link to sentences and articles. And in English, preposition plays a very important role in the English language. Thus, it is necessary for us to learn the translation skills of English preposition. This paper mainly uses the method of qualitative research, and analyzes the difficulties and the skills of the English preposition translation. In this article, the author will enumerate some common translation skills of English preposition, such as deconstruction, conversion, omission and so on. Besides, the author will give some detailed description and examples to make everyone have a better understanding of these methods. The author hopes that the readers can understand the preposition and learn some common strategies of English preposition translation.

    Key Words: English preposition;Preposition translation;Strategies 


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. English Preposition 2

     2.1 The Definition of English Preposition 2

     2.2 The Features of English Preposition 2

     2.3 Grammatical Functions of English Preposition 3

    Ⅲ. The Importance of Learning English Preposition Translation 4

     3.1 Difficulties of Learning English Preposition Translation 4

     3.2 Causes of the Difficulty of Learning English Preposition Translation 5

     3.3 Significance of Learning English Preposition Translation 6

    IV. The Skills of English Preposition Translation 7

     4.1 Conversion 8

     4.2 Deconstruction 10

     4.3 Omission 12

     4.4 Addition 13

     4.5 Adaptation 13

    V. Conclusion 14

    Bibliography 15

    Aknowledgements 16

    On the Translating Skills of English Preposition

    I. Introduction    With the development of times, Chinese and English are playing a more and more important role in the world, so studying on the language changes is a more and more important task. Language conversion, in another word, is that translating from one language to another. But to do a good translation of the English language, first of all, we have to do well in the translation of English preposition. In English, preposition is empty word, but because of it’s flexibility, it plays a very important role in the English language(Xu 3). Some linguists believe that English is the language of preposition, and the preposition is complex and flexible, so it’s translation is not easy to grasp (Liang 123). Thus, the structure of this article is designed like this: the first part is a description of the entire article. It’s purpose is to give readers a better understanding of the whole structure and content. In the second part, the writer talks about the definition of English preposition, the features of English preposition, and the functions of English preposition giving the readers a simple introduction of the English preposition. The purpose of the second part is to tell the readers the object that we want to explore is the English preposition. The third part is about the problems existing in English translation and the reasons why we learn the translation of English preposition. This part aims to help the readers clear and definite about the aim of exploration, and to tell the readers the purpose of our study is to learn the English preposition translation. The fourth part mainly talks about the strategies of English preposition, such as conversion, deconstruction, omission and so on. Besides, in this part the writer will give some detailed description and examples to make everyone have a better understanding of these methods. The fifth part is a summary of the whole article.

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