


    Abstract  With the further deepening and enlarging of China’s economic development and reform, China is playing a significant role on the global stage. The Chinese food is well-known in the world as one important part of traditional Chinese culture which attracts so much attention of the people all over the world. So the English translation of Chinese menu is urgent and particularly important. This paper uses date collection method and case analysis from the perspective of Functionalism to analyze the existing problems in Chinese menus translation, and some practical translation strategies have also been provided. In brief, we can learn from the paper that accurate and graceful translations of Chinese menus are necessary. In the end, it is with the good wish that the thesis can provide some supplement for the applied translation theories and contribute to the popularization of Chinese food culture.

    Key words:  Chinese menu; functionalism; translation 

    On Translation of Chinese Menu From the Perspective of Functionalism Theory


    摘 要 II

    Abstract IV

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Functionalist Theory and its Development 2

      2.1. Definition of Functionalist Theory 2

      2.2. The Development of Functionalist Theory 3

       2.2.1. Katharina Reiss and hisTheory 3

       2.2.2. Hans. Vermeerand and his Theory 3

       2.2.3. Christiane Nord and her Theory 4

    III. The Current Situation of English Translation of Chinese Menu 5

      3.1. The Current Situation 5

      3.2. Existing Problems in the Translation of Chinese Menu 6       

       3.2.1. Failure in Conveying the Culture Information 6

       3.2.2. Multiple Versions for the Same Dish 8

       3.2.3. Vocabulary Vacancy Between Chinese and English 8

       3.2.4. Inappropriate Translation Methods 8

       3.2.5. Inappropriate Choice of Words 9

      3.3. Causes of the Existing Problems 10

    IV. Functional Approaches to the Translation of Chinese Menu 11

      4.1. Contrasts Between Chinese Dish Names and English Dish Names 11

       4.1.1. Differences in style 11

       4.1.2. Differences in content 11

      4.2. Principles for Translation of Chinese Dish Names

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