
    Appendix 17

    On Teacher-Student Communication Strategies in Junior English Teaching

    I. Introduction 

    Teacher-student communication in junior class means the dynamic progress of the interactive exchange, talk, action and influence between teachers and students and it influences the process and result of education. A harmonious communication is conducive to achieving the best teaching effect. Moreover, as an important information carrier, English, one of the most widely used languages in the world, has strong communication features, and English is becoming more and more necessary. Therefore, English teaching should focus on training student’s ability to use language and enable students to develop positive habits. Whether the English class teaching can provide students with effective communication opportunities or not has become the key to mastering English language. 

    However, under one-way instillation teaching method in junior English class, teachers are the main body of teaching activity, and the students are the recipients of knowledge. Teachers keep on teaching constantly while students are busy taking notes. Students are only the bystanders of teaching activities so that students have few time to participate in classroom communication. For most students, English learning should be in a specific atmosphere instead of coping with the exam. Just as Qin Xinxin said: “due to the lack of appropriate linguistic atmosphere, it is actually a burdensome task for students in china to keep in touch with “real” English in the real “context” (2).源Z自)优尔+文`论,文]网[www.youerw.com

    Scaffolding theory is one of the significant theories in English teaching. Wood, Bruner and Ross are recognized as the first to apply the term “scaffolding” to describe the support and guidance offered by teacher in language learning (qtd. in 1976). The theory clearly shows that leaning is a process of constructing knowledge and isn’t one-way transmission of knowledge by teachers. Students shouldn’t participate passively in classroom communication activities, but participate actively under the guidance of teachers. As a result, it can not meet the expected teaching effect and it seriously influences teacher-student effective communication. This kind of study also neglects pragmatic functions of language and restricts the development of English teaching.

    Under the spirit of new curriculum standard, the students’ subject position refers to the unprecedented height. It explicitly points out that the teaching process is the interactive process and common development between teachers and students. Teachers should give full play to student’s initiative and enthusiasm, stimulate students’ interest in learning and create a loose and harmonious learning atmosphere. It requires in the process of English teaching, that teachers must pay more attention to dynamic information exchange and regard students as the main body of learning, the classroom as an active positive, cooperative and exploring learning space. Besides, they need to constantly optimize teacher-student communication strategies to form a true“Learning Community”. Effective teacher-student communication strategies not only can help teachers to complete effectively the class instruction and increase the appeal of English teaching, but also can give students more opportunities of language output, promote the development of students’ communicative ability and achieve the ideal effect of foreign language teaching (Han 143). Certainly, there are still a lot of problems in the current junior English teaching. As a normal student of majoring in English, I think it is necessary to know about the current situation of teacher-student communication in junior English class, and then, discover the existing problems and try to put forward a series of resolution strategies.

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