


    Abstract The Bluest Eye is a novel of expression. In this book, the author uses plenty of symbolism. It shows the whole process of Pecola who aspires to have a pair of blue eyes, ends her aspirations, and finally loses her mind. The paper uses the research technique of literature review to analyze the application of symbolism of the novel in three aspects: the variation of season, characters and the settings. Combining Morrison’s life experiences, the paper, it analyzes the application of symbolism in the novel and makes a rational interpretation of the symbolic image. The paper aims to excavate the deep cultural source of Pecola’s tragedy, reveal the cultural lost of black people which was caused by the culture shock of white, and further take great effect on leading the reader understand the deep meaning of the novel.

    Key words: The Bluest Eye; novel of expression; symbolism; the roots of the tragedy

    An Analysis on Symbolisms in The Bluest Eye


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. The Definition of Symbolism 3

    Ш. Symbolisms of The Bluest Eye 4

     3.1 The Symbolic Meaning of Blue Eye 5

     3.2 The Symbolic Meaning of Nature 6

     3.3 The Symbolic Meaning of Flowers 8

      3.3.1  Dandelion 9

      3.3.2  Marigold 9

     3.4 The Symbolic Meaning of Animals 10

      3.4.1  Birds 10

      3.4.2  Cats and Dogs 11

     3.5  The Symbolic Meaning of Name 12

    Ⅳ.Conclusion 13

    Bibiography 15

    Acknowledgements 16

    I. Introduction

    The author of The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison was born in Lorain City of Ohio in 1993. Her mother’s family moved from Alabama to Ohio, while her father came from Georgia, she expressed deep favor to literature in an early age. When she was young, she used to study in Howard University and got a bachelor degree. She completed a thesis on William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf and received a master degree from Cornell University. Afterward, she was a teacher of Texas Southern University. She met Harold Morrison in Washington who is an architect from Jamaica. Their marriage lasted six years, though they had two sons. They porced while Morrison was pregnant with her second son, she returned to Lorain alone. She moved to New York later and became an editor of Random House, specializing in black fiction. Morrison started her first novel The Bluest Eye in a poor life, even though, she finished it successfully, and this book was published in 1970.

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