


    Abstract Since its release on November, 1th, 1997, Titanic not only creates the miracles in the history of movie with the highest box office, but makes itself the eternal literature classic from one generation to another. The main topic discussed in this paper is the tragic aesthetics in this movie. The paper firstly introduces the relevant theories of tragic aesthetics and then discusses the embodiment of these theories in the tragic love and human nature in movie Titanic as well as its realistic significance using the method of Textual Analysis. Through revealing the value and unique charm of tragic works, it provides people with new, positive insights to perceive the tragic works and encourage people to discover and appreciate the beauty behind it. 

    Key words: tragic aesthetics; love; human nature; the significance of life 


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Relevant Concepts of Tragic Aesthetics 2

     2.1 Tragedy and Tragic Aesthetics 2

     2.2 Principles of Tragic Aesthetics in Drama 3

    III. The Tragic Aesthetics in Titanic 4

     3.1 A Brief Introduction to Titanic 5

     3.2 Principles of Tragic Aesthetics in Titanic 6

     3.3 Analysis of Tragic Aesthetics in Titanic 8

      3.3.1 The Beauty of Tragic Love 8

      3.3.2 The Beauty of Human Nature 9

    IV. The Realistic Significance of the Tragic Aesthetics in Titanic 10

     4.1 Reflection on Human and Nature 10

     4.2 The Significance of Life 11

    V. Conclusion 12

    Bibliography 14

    Acknowledgments 15

    On Tragic Aesthetics in Titanic

    I. Introduction

    Titanic, universally known as a romantic disaster film directed by James Cameron, is a fictionalized account of the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. Upon its release on December 19, 1997, the film achieved critical and commercial success. Over the past decades of years, it still draws the world attention and touches people’s deepest hearts with its moving love story, melodious music and beautiful frames. As a movie with the theme of tragedy, why could Titanic produce such great artistic appeal and enduring power? Sometimes a heart-shaking tragic works is more powerful and impressive than other mediocre works. We can see it from some famous literature works like the four tragedies written by Shakespeare, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy or Butterfly Lovers in Chinese folklore, which all produced great artistic appeal. That is the power of tragedy beauty. 

        Tragedy is not just a category of literature drama, but also one of branches in aesthetics. So far, many researches have been done to study the Titanic in various ways, mainly focusing on the theme of love or humanities. That is in fact a kind of exploration to present the value of tragedy. While what my paper try to do is to study tragedy from the aesthetic perspective. What the tragedy movies convey lies not in the miserable experiences or pessimistic emotions, but precisely the courage to face whatever challenges you meet, the courage to change your unfair fate or the faith to pursue the true essence of life. As what the movie shows, despite the great loss from the disaster, it is exactly the great love and humanities that really touches us and makes it so impressive and endurable. Most of literature works are originated from the reality. Though tragedy is unacceptable and undesirable in life, it still happens inevitably in different times and in different societies. Therefore it is of great importance for us to study the significance of tragedy works from aesthetic point of view, which will enables us to discover the beauty behind the tragedy, transforming the negative emotions in life into the positive ones.

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