
    A Study on the Application of Experiential English Learning in Junior High School Abstract The current junior high school English classroom teaching still exists some problems. Students are often have low interest in learning English and the classroom atmosphere turns out to be nervous and depressing.50428

    In order to change the learning situation of recent middle school students, Experiential Learning, a new method to teaching and learning, has been widely encouraged as an effective approach in education field. Experiential Learning is a learner-centered approach of learning, during which students raise questions, analyze problems, solve problems actively by using English and obtain English knowledge.

    The study starts with the background of Experiential Learning, which is the theoretical basis of the experiment. Supported by the literature review, an experiment has been carried out in two English  classes of Grade Eight in Hangzhou Baochu Pagoda Experimental School in order to identify the effect of EL in English classes. The students are exposed to English and use English actively and become the real center in the class. Questionnaires, tests, interviews and classroom observation are tools to provide trustworthy data.

    According to the findings, it can be concluded that it is feasible and effective to apply experiential learning to English classroom in junior high school because EL has improved classroom atmosphere and create a better learning environment. It improves students' English learning interest and enthusiasm, also their English comprehensive ability. This research also provides some implications for EFLT that can help improve  the implementation of EL in English classes.

    Keywords: experiential learning; Junior High School; English learning   


    摘  要当前的初中英语课堂教学仍然存在着问题。学生们通常对学习英语提不起兴趣,课堂气氛通常也是紧张压抑的。




    毕业论文关键词:体验式学习; 初中; 英语学习


    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 The Background of the Study 1

    1.2 The Current Situation of English Learning in Junior High School 1

    1.3 The Purpose and Significance 2

    2. Literature Review 4

    2.1 The Definition of Experiential Learning 4

    2.2 Experiential Learning Theory Aboard 4

    2.2.1 John Dewey

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