
    An analysis of “Cat in the Rain” from the Eco-feminist perspective Abstract“Cat in the Rain” , as Hemingway’s early work, mainly reflected the contradiction between man and woman. It depicted a simple plot about an American couple who traveled in Europe. The cat in rain stimulated the wife’s sympathy. However, the husband always held an indifferent attitude. As the rule in the context, the cat goes through the whole story and it revealed the female and ecological consciousness in the male-centralism society. In the whole context, there was an obvious conflict between man and woman. It’s worth mentioning that there was an invisible conflict between nature and civilization. At the beginning of this story, the environment description set up a tone that civilization dominated nature. From the opposition between man and woman, it revealed male suppression of female desires. So it was obvious to detect the female consciousness and from the difference between the wild kitty and the big tortoise-shell cat, we could see the ecological consciousness. So this thesis focused on the two aspects: female sensibility and ecological consciousness. Moreover, from the Eco-feminist perspective, there were similarities and connections between female sensibility and ecological consciousness. Female had a natural affinity for nature and life, but male chose the society and culture, which meant reason and humanity. So in a word, both of female consciousness and ecological consciousness could be ascribe to the contradiction between nature and civilization.50442

    Key words: Eco-feminism; nature, civilization; ecological consciousness; feminist sensibility


    摘  要“雨中的猫”是海明威早期优秀作品之一,被收录在他的作品集“我们的时代里”。 这篇短篇小说讲述了一个简单的故事:一对年轻的美国夫妇来欧洲度假。女主人在窗口看到了一只小猫在雨中躲雨。猫的处境引起了女人的同情。然而,丈夫从始至终都是漠不关心的态度。从整个文本来看,猫贯穿全文,突出了两性矛盾。从男女主人公的对话中,女主人有自己的想法与要求。面对男主人公的冷漠与忽视,她也做出了自己的争取。然而,从生态女性角度来看,文章还隐藏着文明与自然的斗争。因此,本篇论文将从生态女性主义的角度来分析这篇文章,将两性意识与自然、文明紧密结合起来。女性代表着感性,亲近着自然,面对雨中的小猫,女主人公仿佛看到了自己,产生了命运共鸣之感。而对比之下,男性代表着理性与控制,象征着社会与文明。文中这对夫妇的斗争既是女性意识的体现,也是自然与文明的斗争。除此之外,雨中的那种小猫与店主所送的猫相比,雨中的猫是野猫,代表着自然。而店主人送的大猫是受过驯化的,是文明的产物。这两者之间的对比,也是文明与自然的矛盾。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 The present study of “Cat in the Rain” 1

    1.2 The history of Eco-feminism 2

    1.3 The organization of the thesis 2

    2.Social and Culture Background 3

    2.1 Social and historical background 3

    2.1.1 Ernest Hemingway and his time 3

    2.1.2 Social background: women as victims in the male-centralism 4

    2.2 From the perspective of Eco-feminism :The connection between women and Nature

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