
    1.2 The Current Situation of English Learning in Junior High School 

    The current middle school English classroom teaching still exists some problems, the author found that junior high school students commonly have low interest in learning English, the learning outcomes are poor. Some students even get tired of learning English. The reasons are as following:

    ① The traditional classroom teaching method is still the main way of English education in junior high school.

    The traditional English classroom teaching method in junior high school is mainly based on the receptive learning and it’s teacher-centered and book-centered. In fact, the traditional language teaching has problems in three aspects. First, it depends on the direct deliver of teachers rather than students’ self construction. Interaction between teachers and students in the classroom is often ignored to some degree. Secondly, it focuses on the language form rather than the communicative function of the language. In the current junior high school English classroom, most of the teachers for the purpose of examination and simple blindly teach grammar, phrases and sentence patterns. As a result, students gradually lose the interest in learning English. Moreover, they can’t express themselves in the real situation, so their and practical ability can not get a promotion. Also, the traditional teaching is result oriented rather than the process, which ignores students’ attitudes and needs. In order to solve these problems, English teaching reformation was carried out several times and the results show that it is necessary to pay attention to the learning process and students' learning experience.

    ② Exam-oriented education restricted the development of English learning.

    The traditional English education in junior high school has served for the examinations. Quality-oriented education thinks highly of the evaluation function of exams, but exam-oriented education values the  selection function. Thus, teachers and students pay too much attention to the selection function of the examination, which leads to the overload training of the knowledge system. This mechanical training neglects the students' participation and subjectivity. There are no student activities, cooperation and communication in the classroom. Students’ language skills can not be effectively trained. So, the English classroom loses its vitality.

    ③ Lack of communication and cooperation

    Students can’t take part in English activities as often as possible and communicate with each other in English. Teachers value the process of teaching but ignore the students’ absorbing. Also, they value the memory of ready-made conclusions and mechanical training. However, students’ ingenuity, inpidual differences and sentimental values are frequently ignored. As a result, student's communication ability can’t be effectively trained. Students subjectively lose their interest and become sluggish.

    1.3 The Purpose and Significance

    This study focuses on how to use Experience Learning method to solve the problems existing in the traditional English education, like teaching methods are too monotone and dull and students have no interest in English. According to the experimental study in junior high school English classroom teaching of Hangzhou Baochu Pagoda Experimental School, the author analysis and discuss the application of Experiential Learning in junior high school. Setting the learning context, activities, cooperation and experience to enhance students’ interest in learning English, stimulate their learning initiative and enthusiasm and help them develop and cultivate comprehensive English ability. At the same time, it has implications for optimizing English education in junior high school.

    This study is to study the application of Experiential learning in junior high school English classroom. By collecting the theoretical literature of Experience learning, the theoretical foundation for the development of the paper is laid. Based on empirical research, the current situation of the application of Experiential Learning is revealed. According to the investigation of teachers and students and the real teaching cases of Experiential Learning, the study will analyze and discuss the feasibility and effectiveness of Experiential Learning. Also, the study will discuss how to apply Experiential Learning into the real English classroom, including strategies and principles. And the students’ changes will be collected to see the benefits of Experiential Learning.

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