    Abstract There is no doubt that Coca-Cola is the most popular beverage in the current global market. Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Company now is the world's largest beverage company, which has a total market share of over 48%. The Coca-Cola Company is allowing the world to accept the Coca-Cola and its successful advertising strategy have performed meritorious deeds. This paper is aiming at analyzing the cultural differences between China and America by analyzing different cola advertisings used in Chinese market and American market. Differences are pided into three aspects according to Geert Hofstede’s Four Value Dimensions, namely, Inpidualism, Power Distance and Uncertainty-Avoidance. Finally, this paper provides help and advice on the advertising strategy for Chinese beverage enterprise to help them export themselves to the world markets.
    Key Words: Value System, Differences, Cola Advertising
    关键词:价值观, 差异, 可乐广告
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Theoretical Foundations    4
    3 Different Value Systems Reflected in Cola Advertisings    7
    3.1 Collectivism vs. Inpidualism    7
    3.2 High Power Distance vs. Low Power Distance    15
    3.3 High-Uncertainty-Avoidance vs. Low-Uncertainty-Avoidance    16
    4. Conclusion    19
    Bibliography    21
    1 Introduction
    In 1886, Dr. John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola and he sold only nine cups a day at that time. Nowadays, the Coca-Cola Company has become the world’s largest beverage company who operates in more than 200 countries. Coca-Cola has become an important selection of beverages in our lives though the world is full of various evidence accused Coca-Cola harmful. According to latest statistics, more than 10,000 bottles of drinks from Coca-Cola Company are consumed per second. The same story goes in China; Coca-Cola has also been voted the most popular soft drink in China for eight consecutive years since 2001.The reason why Coca-Cola gets popular, without exception, is that the successful advertising strategies that contribute to the prosperity of Coca-Cola throughout the world. The same strategy goes in China. As one of the first global company entering Chinese market, Coca-Cola was also the very first company to pursue his “localization advertising strategy” in China. Since its re-entrance into China in 1979, the company has invested a considerable amount of investment in advertising.

    Values, which are shared among people from the same cultural background, are often defined as a set of enduring beliefs “concerning preferable modes of conduct or end states of existence” (Rokeach, 1973:5). Value system expresses an orientation by which man evaluates itself and social behavior. Thus, cultural values are regarded as the governing ideas and guiding principles for thought and action in a given society (Srikandath, 1991). Therefore, “it is obvious that the most important part of a culture is its cultural values which shape and influence people's conception and behavior in the society.” (Larry A. Samovar et. al. 2000)
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