
    Abstract Charlotte Brontë, an English women novelist and poet, was a great critical realist in the 19th century. It’s known as her masterpiece, Jane Eyre, which was published in August, 1847, Victorian times. Victorian women purposely receive minimal education and aim for financial stability which they believe only occurs through marriage. Jane Eyre awakens women and stands for women’s aspiration for liberation. However, there is a character that the readers cannot ignore, it's one of the most powerful and moving passages of the whole book, it is Bertha Mason. The readers learn her past not from her perspective but only through the description of her unhappy husband, Edward Mr. Rochester. But her presence haunts it even when she's not there and she's such an interesting figure because in some ways she's like Jane - there's lots of parallels between the two of them. This thesis is to explore and appreciate the spirits of feminism reflected in this novel Jane Eyre through the character Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason. Jane Eyre is a symbol of feminism, reflected through Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason. Analyzing the compare and contrast of Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason, in order to reveal male conceived aesthetic ideal in Victorian era which causes women to consider themselves as insignificant due to the suppressing of their true character. At the same time, to combine today's female value and feminism, in order to approach the real value of women.51473

    Key words: feminism; Jane Eyre;Bertha Mason


    摘要夏洛蒂•勃朗是一个英国女性小说家和诗人,同时在19世纪,她也是一个现实主义批评家。她被人们所熟知的著作《简爱》,发表于维多利亚时代的1847年八月。维多利亚时代的女性接受到非常少的教育,渴求来源于婚姻的经济稳定。《简爱》唤醒了那个时代的女性,并且代表女性追求解放思想的崛起。但是,在小说中有一个角色令读者们无法忽视,那就是伯莎•梅森,也是整本书中最具震撼力和影响力的部分。读者们并没有通过伯莎的角度来了解她,而是通过他的丈夫,爱德华•罗切斯特来了解她。但是伯莎的存在感非常强,即使她没有出现,也非常鲜明。在某种程度上,伯莎和简存在相似性,她们之间有很多平行线。这篇论文是通过简•爱和伯莎•梅森,来欣赏《简爱》中反映的女性主义精神。《简爱》是女性主义的标志,而这是通过简•爱和伯莎•梅森来反映的。 从分析两人的相似点和不同点,来揭示在维多利亚时代,男权主义思想下,女性由于自身委曲求全的性格而导致女性缺少自我价值。与此同时,将这与当今的女性精神和女性主义相结合,来探索女性的真正价值。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. A Brief Introduction about Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason 4

    2.1 The Entity of Feminism 4

    2.2 Information about Charlotte Brontë 4

    2.3 Brief Introduction about Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason 5

    3. A comparison of Jane Eyre with Bertha Mason 7

    3.1 Rebellion against the restraints 7

    3.2 Pursuit of Equality and Independence 8

    4. A contrast between Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason 9

    4.1 Traditional regression of Jane Eyre’s rebellion

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