
    Analyses of Multi-layered Symbolic Meanings of “Mockingbird” in To Kill a Mockingbird Abstract To Kill a Mockingbird is the great masterpiece of the contemporary American writer—Harper Lee. This novel was published in 1960 and it won the Pulitzer Prize one year later. In the novel, the unjust trial of the black man Tom Robinson was focused on from the perspective of the little girl Scout Finch. The tragic death of Tom in the end totally reveals the dark society at that time which was full of injustice, ranks of hypocrisy and racial discrimination. 51496

    Symbolism in this novel is used skillfully. Objects like gun and camellia, are endowed with different symbolic meanings. Previous research has studied that mockingbird in the novel symbolic characters Tom Robinson, Boo Radley and Mayella. This study is going to dig out the new multi-layered symbolic meanings of the mockingbird in other characters: Dill, Raymond, Atticus, Jem and Scout respectively according to two main characteristics of mockingbird. One is that mockingbird makes music for people, which symbolizes the innocence and integrity of human nature; another is that the sin to kill a mockingbird has the symbolic meaning of failure to show sympathy and extend simple human dignity. 

    The symbolic significance connected with the theme will be fully demonstrated, meanwhile, racial discrimination and social injustice under the Great Depression will be revealed incisively and vividly with the use of symbolism as a rhetorical device, which reflects the call for justice and equality.

    Keywords: symbolism; mockingbird; racial discrimination; social injustice







    1. Introduction 1

    1.1Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird 1

    1.2 Literature Review 1

    2. Symbolism 3

    2.1 Symbol and symbolism 3

    2.2 Symbolism used in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird as a rhetorical device 4

    3. Dill 5

    3.1 The brightness of Dill in the novel 5

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