
    摘要 福斯塔夫是莎士比亚作品中一个喜剧角色,长久以来深得人们喜爱。几百年来,关于福斯塔夫的评论以及看待这个角色的态度多种多样。本文主要讨论福斯塔夫被抛弃的命运。本文结合福斯塔夫的性格分析,故事的历史背景,以及其他的相关要素,进而给出福斯塔夫注定会被哈儿王子抛弃的命运。论文分为三个部分。第一部分是引言,包括了背景介绍以及文献综述。第二部分是正文,分三个章节。第一章分析了王子的形象以及故事的大背景。从中我们发现王子与福斯塔夫为伴只是为了让自己登基之后更受人瞩目,而福斯塔夫在他的心目中并没有那么重要。抛弃福斯塔夫,一方面帮他赢得了宫中的支持,另一方面树立了他在民间的威信。第二章主要分析了福斯塔夫的身份。我们发现其实福斯塔夫有着初醒的自我意识,然而他很悲剧地走偏了。他将自我意识理解成了我行我素,并且沉迷于旧制度的糜烂生活。最后一章中,我们分析了福斯塔夫 “荣誉问答”。从中我们发现,福斯塔夫代表的颠覆了哈儿王子代表的阶层。而福斯塔夫醉致命的弱点是他在政治上的盲目。同时,本章回顾了酒馆逐斥一幕,更进一步地阐释了福斯塔夫被抛弃的命运。总而言之,福斯塔夫被王子抛弃的命运,并不仅仅是由单一原因造成的,而是当时的社会背景,福斯塔夫个人,以及王子的政治考虑下的多重作用产生的结果。



    As Shakespeare’s best-loved and theatrically most enduring comic creation, Falstaff does have his charm and flaws. Over these centuries, the attitude toward this fat old knight has always been controversial. This paper discusses the fate of Falstaff. By analysing the characteristics of Falstaff, combined with the background of the story and some other elements that might influence how the story goes, the paper explains why Falstaff is destined to “fall” in the play. The paper is pided into three parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background of the play and literature review. The second part is the body, which includes three chapters: Chapter one analyses Prince Hal and political background of the time. We find that the young prince keeps Falstaff as his companion only to make his reformation more wondered at. Thus Falstaff never attaches much importance in the eyes of the prince in the first place. We also find that banishing Falstaff both satisfies Hal’s need to gain the trust from the court and win the respect and awe from the public. In the second Chapter, we mainly analyse Falstaff’s identity. In this part we see that Falstaff goes astray in his awakening ego. However, the old knight cannot help but be indulged in the live of corruption at the same time. The last Chapter of the paper analyses Falstaff’s famous catechism on honour. Here we find that Falstaff actually represents the group of subversion against the estate Hal represents. Moreover, we draw the deadly strike of Falstaff’s fall— his political blindness. Also, by rewinding the play to the beginning, we see that Shakespeare has already plotted Falstaff’s fall in a practice in the tavern: the prince will, and does banish Falstaff. The third part of the paper is the conclusion. Falstaff’s fall is not caused by one single reason. His fate is determined by the environment of the society at that time, as well as his flaws and a politician’s plan.

    Key Words Falstaff; banishment; Henry IV; Prince Hal


    Acknowledgement 2

    Abstract in Chinese 3

    Key Words in Chinese 3


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