
    Abstract Negative transfer of Chinese has always been one of the major obstacles for middle school students to learn English. What’s more, middle school students are in the initial stage of learning English. English writing reflects the ability to use English during the process of language output. As a fact, it is still a chief problem to be solved to help students overcome the negative transfer of Chinese. Based on the relevant theories and research findings at home and abroad, the thesis firstly investigates the contradiction between the requirements of English Curriculum and the current situation of students’ writing, pointing out the importance of studying Chinese transfer on English writing. Secondly, a detailed analysis is performed of the typical errors on different levels: lexical, grammatical and discourse. Thirdly, some implications and strategies are proposed to overcome the influence of negative transfer on English writing.52864

    Key words: negative transfer; Chinese; English writing; middle school 

    摘 要母语的负迁移影响在中学生学习英语过程中一直是一个主要的障碍。且中学生处在学习英语的初级阶段,写作可体现学生在语言输出过程中的语言运用能力。对于英语老师来说,如何帮助学生有效提高英语写作水平一直是一个亟待解决的问题。本文基于相关的理论基础以及国内外研究现状,首先叙述了课程标准中的相关要求以及当前中学生英语写作的现状之间的矛盾,指出了本论文研究的重要性。接着从词汇、句法、语篇各层面分析了英语写作中的典型的母语负迁移现象,并进行了剖析和描述。最后,在此基础上提出中学英语写作教学中合理的策略以尽量减少母语对英语写作的负迁移影响。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Significance of the Study 3

    4. Analysis of the Negative Transfer in English Writing 4

    4.1 Lexical level 4

    4.1.1 Synonyms 4

    4.1.2 Part of speech 5

    4.1.3 Word collocation 6

    4.2 Grammatical level 7

    4.2.1 The tense 7

    4.2.2 The voice 8

    4.2.3 Word order 8

    4.3 Discourse level 9

    5. Implications and Suggestions 10

    5.1 Facing up to the transfer scientifically 10

    5.2 Strengthening the basic practice of language knowledge 11

    5.3 Strengthening the training of western thinking modes and expression 11

    6. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 13

     1. Introduction

    In china, middle school students are mostly exposed to Chinese in their daily life, so they are much more familiar with the expression way of Chinese than that of English. But with the development of china and deepen international communication, English has become an important ability for us to express ourselves. A person who can write well is usually considered an excellent English learner because he can express his ideas and feelings freely. With the same reason, in our English teaching process, writing is always been regarded as the weakest skill compared to listening, speaking and reading for Chinese students during the process of learning English. (Wang Jianqin, 2007:34) This is because that in china, most students begin to learn English in 7 or 8 years old or even later in some poor areas after they have had a good command of Chinese. Undoubtedly, they have formed the Chinese way of expression and thinking mode which will inevitably influence their learning in English at that time. As an important way of language output and an effective way of evaluating students’ learning, writing has a great value to study t language negative transfer.

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