
    Abstract  As a communicative activity, translation means not only the transfer of languages but also the implantation of cultures. In the process of cultural development and variation, translation plays a very important role. As communication between China and the western world becomes increasingly frequent, the significance of translation grows more and more obvious. Tourist spots in China have become a main way for the foreigners to get a better understanding of Chinese culture. The translation of tourist spots thus is of great importance to spread Chinese culture. By analyzing and studying the cultural reproduction in the translation of Huai’an Canal Museum, this paper aims at promoting the development of Huai’an’s tourism and the propagation of the local culture.52865

    Key words: tourist spots; translation; cultural reproduction; Huai’an  Canal Museum




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Introduction of Huai’an Canal Museum 2

    4. Cultural Reproduction in the Translation 3

    4.1 Canal Culture 3

    4.1.1 Social Culture 3

    4.1.2 Religious Culture 4

    4.1.3 Language Peculiarity 5

    4.2 Opera in Huai’an 6

    4.2.1 Repetitious Gong and Drum of Huai’an 6

    4.2.2 Play of “ Xiaohe Pursuing Han Xin Under the Moon” 8

    4.3 Literary Works 8

    4.3.1 Works by Liu E 9

    4.3.2 Works by Zhang Chunru 9

    4.3.3 Works by Wu Cheng’en 10

    4.4 Historical Allusion 11

    4.4.1 Allusion about Han Xin 11

    4.4.2 Cultural Reproduction 12

    4.5 Famous People 13

    4.5.1 Introduction of Rinsing Mother 13

    4.5.2 Introduction of Wu Jutong 14

    5. Conclusion 15

    Works Cited 16

    1. Introduction 

    Edward Taylor, an English anthropologist, defines the word “culture” in his book Original Culture as “that whole complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, customs and any other capabilities or habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Keesing, 1958:18). Simply speaking, culture is the entire life style of a certain social group. On the basis of the definition of culture made by Taylor, modern anthropologist put forward more new definitions. But there is no doubt that among all these different definitions, culture has the following four fundamental features. Firstly, it is acquired in society rather than by inheritance. Secondly, it is possessed by all the social members rather than by any certain person. Thirdly, culture has a symbolic feature and its most important feature is language. Fourthly, culture is a united system and its each aspect has some relevance to any other one. The influence of different cultures begins with conflicts, which cause the shock in people's thought. Then, the trend of acceptance or refutation appears. As a result, the culture will be absorbed, accepted and assimilated that can meet the needs of the times and cultural development and that can compensate for the defaults of another culture, thus creating new cultural signals and concepts. This kind of conception is often aroused by translation. In his book Toward a Science of Translation, Eugene A.Nida says translation is a human activity with certain purposes. And translators should choose the translation method from the perspective of the readers of the translation(2004:159).Thus in the translation with the purpose of cultural propagation, translators must take into full consideration the differences between languages and between cultures. The English translation of the Huai’an Canal Museum is not only of great help for foreigners to understand its historical backgrounds but is also conductive to the propagation of the local culture. 源-自/优尔+,论^文'网]www.youerw.com

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