
    Abstract With the fast development of economic globalization, the increasing enrollment in institutions of higher education and development of English teaching in primary and secondary schools, the society and employers have already made higher demands on foreign language talents. The talents who are favored are those people with a good command of English and knowledge in other fields. 53106

    Needs analyses are conducted of business English majors and employers respectively in this thesis, which is aimed to check whether the current curriculum meet the needs of students and employers and put forward solutions to improve the students’ learning. 

    After the analysis of the questionnaire and interview, the problems of the current curriculum design are concluded: the large proportion of curricula about general English language skills and small number of required curricula and electives on business English. This thesis also puts forward some solutions: cut down the class hours of curricula on general English language skills; increase the required curricula and electives on business English; pay attention to practice training. 

    Keywords: Business English major; curriculum design; needs analysis






    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 The Definition of Curriculum Design 2

    2.2 Related Studies on Business English 3

    3. Introduction to Needs Analysis Theory 4

    3.1 The Definition of Needs 4

    3.2 The Classification of Needs 4

    4. Investigation into the Business English Majors’ Needs 6

    5. Findings and Discussion 8

    5.1 Students’ Motives to Choose Business English Major 8

    5.2 Students’ Employment Objectives 8

    5.3 The Most Important Language Skill of Business English 9

    5.4 The Degree of Students’ Satisfaction with Present Curriculum Design 11

    5.5 The Results of Interview with the Employers 12

    5.6 The Problems and Solutions 13

    6. Conclusion 15

    Works Cited 16

    Appendix I 17

    Appendix II 19

     1. Introduction 

    With the fast development of economic growth, especially after China’s entry of the WTO, the needs of interdisciplinary talents increase dramatically among the society. These talents are usually proficient in English and have much knowledge and experience in business activities. Thus, much attention should be paid to the learning of business English. The researches show that the demand for graduates from English language and literature major has decreased a lot due to the development of China’s socialist market economy since the 1990s; on the contrary, the talents needed are those people who master not only the English language, but also the knowledge of other fields, such as business, law and news (He et al. 1999:24-28). This kind of talents are favored and welcomed by the employers. In this case, the discipline construction and talent cultivation of business English must be in conformity with the change and development of the needs. 

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