
         The novel covers so many idioms imbued with special culture connotations which are tough to be suitably translated into English. However, the study in this novel on English translation of idioms is limited and leaves much space to be researched.Therefore, the paper will probe into this problem from the point of view of functional equivalence and manage to make some efforts to interpret the idiom translation in Big Breasts and Wide Hips.

    1.2 Purpose of the Research源'自:优尔]'论-文'网"]www.youerw.com

    If we want foreign readers to understand and appreciate the literary work even Chinese culture very well, we must ensure that the idioms included in the novel are translated appropriately enough to attain such an objective. Once we put some theories and strategies as the basis, it will be relatively easier to express the connotations and culture carried in idioms. Therefore, the thesis tries to analyze the methods of idiom translation adopted by Howard Goldblatt in Big Breasts and Wide Hips from the aspect of functional equivalence. The functional equivalence is not only effective in providing a theoretical basis in general, but also effective in rendering idiom into English in specific details. The paper aims at making some contributions to the study on Big Breasts and Wide Hips and disseminating the relevant Chinese culture.

    1.3 Research Questions

         Following two questions will be discussed in the thesis:

    1) What methods does Howard Goldblatt adopt to render idioms into English in Big Breasts and Wide Hips 

    2) To what extent does the translator achieve functional equivalence of idiom translation and how to reach that equivalence?

    1.4 Structure of the Research 

    The paper is made up of five parts.

    Chapter one serves as the introduction, which contains stimulus,purpose, questions and structure of the research.

    Chapter two is the theoretical framework. After an introduction to Mo Yan and Big Breasts and Wide Hips as well as its translator and English version, Nida’s functional equivalence is discussed carefully. Then there is a general introduction to idioms and its characteristics are mentioned. In addition, this part also includes a previous study on Chinese idiom translation.

    Chapter three provides a methodology of this thesis. They are data sources and research methods.

    Chapter four is the most important part offering analysis on six methods adopted by Howard Goldblatt to translate idioms. Importantly, this part shows that to what degree the translator achieves functional equivalence in idiom translation.

    Chapter five comes to a conclusion of the thesis. Research limitations and suggestions to further study are also discussed.

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