    摘 要在英国现代文学史上,约瑟夫•康拉德是个特殊的人物。他早年热衷于航海事业,直到19世纪90年代,才开始从事文学创作。其代表作有《台风》,《吉姆爷》及《黑暗之心》。《黑暗之心》是康拉德的重要作品之一。本文采用弗洛伊德心理分析法以及多角度分析的方法,试图分析出库尔兹在黑暗中闪现出的人性。本论文可分为五个部分。第一部分是对作者和他的作品《黑暗之心》的介绍。在第二部分中,展示了一个迷失,残暴以及贪婪的库尔兹。通过分析库尔兹表现出的人性,展示出了人性的神秘性,同时,我们可以把库尔兹整个人生的抗争看成是当时整个社会文明与个体道德的斗争。第三部分在对库尔兹人性的分析中,借用了精神分析学派的“我”的三重划分,指出库尔兹的堕落在于本我的肆意扩张,超我(社会性的道德、规范)失去了约束能力,自我沦丧。第四部分展示了在现代社会种种无奈和诱惑下,人们对人性的违背。以及做什么、怎么做来保持人性。第五部分是对本文的总结。第五部分是对整篇论文的总结。7724
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Kurtz in the Center of Darkness    3
    2.1 Helpless Man in the Indifferent World    3
    2.2 Corruption    4
    III. Explain Gene, Superego, Ego of Kurtz by Freudian Psycho Analysis    6
    3.1 Definitions of Freudian and Psychoanalysis    6
    3.2 Three Structures of Mind---the Gene, the Superego, and the Ego    7
    3.3 The Application of the Psycho Analysis    9
    IV. The Bad-rooted Nature of Chinese People    11
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15Abstract
    In English literature, Joseph Conrad was a special man who was keen on sailing. He was not engaged in the literature until the 1890’s. He wrote many novels and his representative novels such as Lord Jim, Nostromo and Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness is one of his celebrated novels. It was first serialized in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine in 1899. Since its publication, Heart of Darkness has become progressively more influential during the following decades. This paper tries to present Kurtz’s nature in the darkness, using Freudian psycho analysis and multi-angles analysis. With those approaches, I try to show an intact Kurtz. It pided into five parts. The first part is the introduction to Joseph Conrad and his novel Heart of Darkness. In the second part borrows the three layers’ pision of “I” in psycho analytics. This paper shows that the degeneration of Kurtz lies in his expanded ego while as his superego (social moral and regulation) lost binding force and his ego was mined. In the third part, we find a lost, cruel and greedy Kurtz. The fourth part presents that people go against the human nature under of the frustrations and temptations from modern society and what to do and how to do keep the human nature. The fifth part is a conclusion of the article.
    Key words: Heart of Darkness; Kurtz; rooted bad nature
    The Dark Side of Humanity Reflected by the Protagonist in the Heart of Darkness
    I. Introduction
    Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) did not begin to learn English until he was 21 years old. He was born in Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski on December 3, 1857, in Ukraine. When Conrad was quite young, his father was exiled to Siberia on suspicion of plotting against the Russian government. After the death of the boy’s mother, Conrad’s father sent him to his mother’s brother in Kraków to be educated, and Conrad never saw his father again. He traveled to Marseilles when he was 17 and spent the next 20 years as a sailor. He got on an English ship in 1878, and eight years later he became a British citizen. In 1889, he began to create his first novel, Almayer’s Folly, and began actively searching for a way to realize his dream of traveling to Congo. He was in charge of a steamship in the Belgian Congo in 1890, and his experiences in the Congo provided the outline of Heart of Darkness.
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