
    Abstract  Over the past several decades, a lot of linguists are dedicated to the discourse analysis from different perspectives, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax, cognitive features and its cultural connotation. In the recent years, many linguists are interested in the interpersonal meaning of advertising discourse. 53优尔

    This thesis is based on the studies of systemic-functional grammar and English advertising discourse. It focuses on the realization of interpersonal meaning by analyzing person, mood and modality system. The study is conducted to find out how the English advertising discourse realize the purposes of transmitting information, bridging the gap between the advertiser and the advertisee, thus to have a better interpersonal communication.

    Keywords: interpersonal meaning; systemic-functional grammar; person system; mood system; modality system


    毕业论文关键词: 人际意义;系统功能语法;人称系统;语气系统;情态系统


    1. Introduction

    2. Literature Review

    3. Systemic-Functional Grammar and Interpersonal Meaning

    3.1 Introduction to Systemic-Functional Grammar

    3.2 Introduction to Interpersonal Function

    3.3 The Interpersonal Meaning of English Advertising Discourse

    4. Person System in English Advertising Discourse

    4.1 Person System

    4.2 The Realization of Person System

    4.3 Case Study---Iphone4s

    5. Mood System in English Advertising Discourse

    5.1 Mood System

    5.2 The Realization of Mood System

    5.3 Case Study---English Water-Saving Advertising 10

    6. Modality System in English Advertising Discourse 12

    6.1 Modality System 12

    6.2 The Realization of Modality System 12

    6.3 Case Study--- Mercedes-Benz Advertisement 13

    7. Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 16

    1. Introduction 

         With the development of economy and the advancement of society, the advertisement exists in every corner of our life. As an important means of information transmission, it becomes indispensable in public life. American Marketing Association defines the advertisement as: Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideals by identified sponsors through the various media (Qi Yunfang, 2003:5). The success of advertisements to a great extent depends on their languages. As the most widely used language in the world, English will become more communicative when combined with advertisements. 

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