



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background Information 1

    1.2 Thesis Statement 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Language Transfer 2

    2.2 Studies on Language Transfer in Wwriting 3

    3. Negative Transfer in Students’ Writing 4

    3.1 Negative Transfer in Vvocabulary 4

    3.2 Negative Transfer in Syntax 6

    3.3 Negative Transfer in Discourse 9

    3.4 Negative Transfer in Culture-related Expressions 9

    4. Strategies of Avoiding Negative Transfer in English Writing 10

    4.1 Contrasting English and Chinese 11

    4.2 Strengthening All-round English Language Skills 11

    4.3 Developing the Habit of Thinking in English 12

    4.4 Increasing the Input of Cultural Knowledge 13

    5. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 15 

    1. Introduction 

    1.1 Background Information

    In language learning, writing is one of the four basic language skills, and it reflects the comprehensive ability of language learners. Compared to other language skills, writing is usually considered to be the most difficult. “It is also confirmed that writing is a complicated process and being able to write well is usually considered to be the complex skill to master in language learning; few people can feel relaxed and light-hearted when faced with a formal writing task” (Nunan, 1991:20). Plus, Caijigang (2003:51) also pointed that Chinese students’ writing competence laged far behind their abilities of grammar, vocabulary and reading.

    In junior high school, students are affected by the thinking modes of Chinese in result of the negative transfer of mother tongue in their writings. “One of the manifestations of transfer in Second Language the acquisition is occurrence of errors ‘as a result of negative transfer of mother tongue patterns into learner’s L2’ ”(Ellis, 1999: 152). To solve the problem, many scholars have made various researches and got prominent achievements. But most of the domestic researchers took the higher professional students as research subjects. In consequence, their research results cannot fully guide the junior high school English learning and teaching. Based on these, it is significant to investigate the negative transfer of mother tongue in middle school students’ writings and find some solutions.

    1.2 Thesis Statement

    In the process of English language learning, it isn’t hard to find that Chinese students affected by the influence of the native culture are accustomed to the Chinese way of learning English. Students completely adopt Chinese vocabulary, grammar habits, sentence structure and rhetorical devices in English learning. As a result, writings they produce fail to convey the meaning they want to express. In the hope of reducing and avoiding the negative transfer of mother tongue in students’ writings, the thesis intends to investigate the concrete cases and the prime forms of errors occurred in students’ English writings in order to find out specific solutions.

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